STIPPLE Documentation

The documentation for STIPPLE can be found in the documents below. The documentation is currently in shambles since being converted from Frame format to HTML format. A really careful edit pass is desparately needed.
Legal Issues
The copyright, liability, and ownership issues. You can skip this if it does not interest you.

An introduction to the STiPPLE language.

An overview of STIPPLE is presented, including the basic data and type models.

Lexical Issues
The six kinds of STIPPLE lexemes are described -- white-space, comments, identifiers, constants, and punctuation (operators).

Notational Issues
The notation used to describe the language grammar are described.

Prelude Declarations
The prelude declarations are the ones preceeding any type and routine declarations.

Type Declarations
The type declarations must preceed any any routine declarations.

Routine and Object Declarations
The Routine and object declarations are described.

The STIPPLE statments are described.

The STIPPLE expressions are described.

The reasoning many of the STIPPLE language design choices.

Base library
The basic STIPPLE library of modules.

Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 -- Wayne C. Gramlich. All rights reserved.