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STIPPLE Statements

With the single exception of the assignment statement, all STIPPLE statements start with a keyword. This permits easy extensions to the STIPPLE language.

The syntax for a statement is:

STIPPLE uses indentation to perform statement block nesting.

Nesting Statements

The syntax for nesting statements are:

The block Statement

The syntax for the block statement is:
The block statement introduces a grouping of statements. The block statement is used to either improve readability and/or provide a scope for a handle statement.

The with Statement

The syntax of the with statement is:
The with statement evaluates its expression and introduces a nested level of statements which have additional variables defined. Let the type of the with expression be T. A variable named V of type VT is introduced to the nested scope if the procedures T@V_get and T@V_set exist with the following signatures:
    procedure T@V_get
	takes T
	returns VT

    procedure T@V_set
	takes T
	v1 V
{Variable conflicts need to be discussed.}

{This is a horrible example.}

Each time one of these variables is accessed, the appropriate set or get routine is invoked. For example:

    define point
	    x unsigned
	    y unsigned

    procedure transpose
	    point1 point
	with point1
	    x, y := y, x
is equivalent to
    temp:: point := point1
    temp.x, temp.y := temp.y, temp.x

The variadic_with Statement

The syntax of the variadic_with statement is:
The variadic_with statement is used to access the variadic records of a variadic procedure. As such, it can only be used inside of procedures with a variadic clause. Let N be the procedures variadic size variable value. Let I be the value of the variadic_with expression of type unsigned. I must be a non-negative number that is less than N. The signal bounds is raised if I is greater than or equal to N. The nested statements of the variadic_with statement can directly access the I'th variadic record, where the first variadic record index is zero. Nested variadic_with statements are illegal.

The evaluate Statement

The syntax for the evaluate statement is:
The evaluate statement computes one or more expression values and assigns them to one or more assignable expressions. The evaluate keyword is optional and should only be used when the first assignable expression starts with variable is the same as another keyword; the compiler will generate a warning message if the evaluate keyword is used when it is unnecessary. The types of the expression values must match the corresponding types in the assignable expressions.

The evaluate statement is the most commonly used one for defining new variables.

Some example assignment statements are shown below:

    a:: integer			 # Illegal, expression returns a value
    b:: integer := +17
    c:: integer := a + b
    d:: integer := a + d	 # Illegal, d is not in scope
    c, d := d, c		 # Swap c with d
    evaluate a := 12		 # Illegal, a is not a keyword
    evaluate if:: integer := 17	# Define variable named if
    if := 42			 # Illegal, variable confused with keyword if
    evaluate if := 123
    evaluate evaluate:: integer	 # Define variable named evaluate
    evaluate evaluate := 456
    print(`Hello world')	 # Invoke a routine with no return values.

Conditional Statements

The syntax for a conditional statement is:
There are three kinds of conditional statements - the if, switch, and extract statements.

The if Statement

The syntax for an if statement is:
The if statement evaluates the boolean expressions in order until one of the expressions evaluates to true@logical, at which time control is transferred to the nested statements immediately following the true boolean expression. If all expressions evaluate to false@logical and there is an else clause, control is transferred to the statements immediately following he else. Unless there is an explicit control transfer statement, upon executing all of the appropriate nested statements control is transferred to the statement immediately following the if statement. In particular, at most one set of nested statements is ever executed for an if statement.

The switch Statement

The syntax for the switch statement is:
The switch statement evaluates the enumeration expression and transfers control to nested statements under to the case or case_default clause that matches enumeration expression. If no match occurs, control is immediately transferred to the statement following the switch statement. A case clause will match any of the expressions that immediately follow it. If present, the case_default clause will match all expressions not explicitly mentioned in another case clause. The compiler will emit an error if any of the constant enumeration expressions have duplicate values.

The compiler enforces the requirement that all possible expression values must have a matching case or case_default clause. Thus, unless the case clauses completely cover all expression values, a case_default clause is required; the compiler will emit an error otherwise. The do_nothing statement is used if there is no code that needs to be executed for a case_default.

The extract Statement

The syntax for the extract statement is:
The extract statement dispatches control depending the tag value of the variant expression. Control is transferred to the first statement in the matching tag or tag_default clause. All of the tag names must be of the same type. The default clause must be supplied if the tag clauses do not completely enumerate all of the possible variant tag values.

{More description goes here.}

Iteration Statements

The syntax of an iteration statement is:
{The iteration statement needs quite a bit more work!}

{The loop_end statement is not described.}

The loop Statement

The syntax for a loop statement is:
The loop statement sets up an infinite loop that repeatably executes its nested statements in sequential order. When the last nested statement is executed, control is automatically returned to the first statement. The continue, break, while, until, iterator, and for statements (described below) are used to modify loop control flow. If a finish clause is present, the nested statements that follow are executed when the loop terminates.

The optional loop label is used by the break and continue statement to name a loop statement. In general, loop labels are only used when it necessary for a break or continue statement to name an outer loop from inside an inner loop. The scope of a loop label is all of the nested statements following the loop keyword, but not including the nested statements following the optional finish clause. While a procedure is permitted to have two loop statements with the same loop label, it is illegal for their scopes to overlap in any way.

The break Statement

The syntax for the break statement is:
The break statement, with no loop label, causes the current inner-most loop to terminate. The break statement, with a loop label, causes the loop named loop_label to terminate. It is an error for a break statement to reference a loop label outside of its scope. An error message is generated for any break statement that does not occur inside the nested statements of a loop statement.

The continue Statement

The syntax for the continue statement is:
The continue statement, with no loop label, transfers control to the first statement in the current inner-most loop. The continue statement, with a loop label, transfers control the first statement of the named loop. It is an error for a continue statement to reference a loop label outside of its scope. An error message is generated for any continue statement that does not occur inside the nested statements of a loop statement.

The while Statement

The syntax for the while statement is:
The while statement terminates the current loop if its boolean expression evaluates to false@logical; otherwise, control continues to the next statement. An error message is generated for any while statement that does not occur inside the nested statements of a loop statement.

The while statement is equivalent to:

    if !(boolean_expression)

The until Statement

The syntax for the until statement is:
The until statement terminates the current loop if its boolean expression evaluates to true@logical; otherwise, control continues to the next statement. An error message is generated for any until statement that does not occur inside the nested statements of a loop statement.

The until statement is equivalent to:

    if boolean_expression

The if_first Statement

The syntax for the if_first statement is:
The if_first statement will execute its nested statements only on the first iteration of a loop. For all subsequent loop iterations, the nested statements are not executed. An error message is generated for any if_first statement that does not occur inside the nested statements of a loop statement.

The if_continue Statement

The syntax for the if_continue statement is:
The if_continue statement will execute its nested statements only on the second and subsequent loop iterations. The nested statements are not executed for the first loop iteration. An error message is generated for any if_continue statement that does not occur inside the nested statements of a loop statement.

The if_break Statement

The syntax for the if_break statement is:
The if_break statement will execute its nested statements only if its associated loop was explicitly terminated by a break statement. An error message is generated for any if_break statement that does not occur inside the nested statements following a loop_end clause.

{Be more specific.}

The if_done Statement

The syntax for the if_done statement is:
The if_done statement will execute its nested statements only if its associated loop was not explicitly terminated by a break statement. An error message is generated for any if_done statement that does not occur inside the nested statements following a loop_end clause.

{Be more specific.}

The for Statement

{Iterators are quite a bit more complicated for STIPPLE than they are for CLU. The reason for this complexity is because in CLU, a break statement does not return control back to the iterator. This means that the iterator can not free up any resources that it might be using, such as a lock. In STIPPLE, a solution to this problem is highly desired.{

The syntax for the for statement is:

The for statement is used to invoke an iterator and obtain successive yield values from it. It is an error for a for statement to occur outside the nested statements of a loop statement. The iterator expression is only evaluated the first time a for statement is executed in order to initialize an iterator. Each time the for statement is executed, the iterator is started/resumed until it executes a yield statement, at which time the yielded values are assigned to the assignable expressions. The iterator types must match the assignable expression types. Whenever the iterator terminates by executing a return statement, the loop is terminated and control is transferred to the first statement of the loop_end clause, if present.

The as clause is used to provide a name for the iterator. The iterator name is used in the next and finalize statements. The finalize statement is used to access any values returned by the iterator. The next statement is a shortened version of the for statement that can only resume an iterator. The scope of the iterator name is all of the nested statements in the current loop, including the nested statements following the loop_end clause, if present. While a procedure is permitted to have two iterator names with the same name, their scopes are not permitted to overlap.

{What about a for statement in an if statement.}

{Describe the for_else statement.}

The next Statement

The syntax for the next statement is:
The next statement is a shortened version of the for statement that can only resume the named iterator until the next time it executes a yield statement, at which time, it assigns the resulting yield values to the specified assignable expressions in the next statement. If the iterator terminates by executing a return statement, the loop is terminated. If the named iterator is not active, the next statement has not effect.

{Describe the next_else statement.}

The finalize Statement

The syntax for the finalize statement is:
The finalize statement is used to obtain the return values from an iterator that executed a return statement. The returned values are assigned to the specified assignable expressions. The iterator return types must match the assignable expression types. If the named iterator did not execute a return statement, the finalize statement has no effect. The finalize statement can only occur in the nested statements of an loop_end clause.

Miscellaneous Statements

The syntax for the miscellaneous statements are:

The return statement

The syntax for the return statement is:
The return statement terminates the current procedure and transfers control back to the calling procedure. The specified expression values are returned as the procedure return values. The procedure return types must match the expression value return types.

The yield statement

The syntax for the yield statement is:
The yield statement can only occur in an iterator. The yield statement suspends the iterator and returns control back to the procedure that invoked the iterator. When the invoking procedure resumes the iterator, it will continue at the statement following the yield statement. The specified expression values are yielded as the iterator yield values. The iterator yield types must match the expression value yield types.

If the loop containing the iterator is terminated in any way (e.g. via a break statement), all active iterators execute the statements in loop terminate clause associated with the last yield. These statements are expected to clean up any state.

{Describe yield_finalize clause.}

The signal statement

The syntax for the signal statement is:
The signal statement can occur anywhere in a routine. The signal statement transfers control to a signal handler in the calling routine.

The raise statement

The syntax for the raise statement is:
The raise statement is just like the signal statement except that control is transferred to the closest handler within the same procedure.

The handler Statement

The syntax for the handler statement is:
{This seems wrong!}

The handler statement catches signals. Any signal values are assigned to the specified assignable expressions. The signal types must match the assignable expression types. The scope of the handler is:

It is an error to have two handlers with the same name in the same statement block.

The resignal Statement

The syntax for the resignal statement is:
The resignal statement is equivalent to:
    handler helper_variable1, ... := signal_name
	signal signal_name helper_variable1,...

The go_to statement

The syntax for the go_to statement is:
The go_to statement immediately transfers control to the specified label statement. The go_to statement can only transfer control to a label that is in scope; thus, a go_to statement can not transfer control to a label that is at a deeper nesting level.

The label statement

The syntax for the label statement is:
The label statement is target of one or more go_to statements. The optional label count specifies the number of go_to statements that reference the named label. The compiler generates an error message if the actual number of go_to statements does not exactly equal the specified integer.

The do_nothing statement

The syntax for the do_nothing statement is:
The do_nothing statement does nothing except fill a statement location. It is meant to be used in situations where the STIPPLE grammar requires as statement, but the application semantics do not require anything to be executed.
From here you can go to either the next chapter on STIPPLE Expressions or back to the table of contents.
Copyright (c) 1991 -- Wayne C. Gramlich. All rights reserved.