This is revision A of the Motor30 board. It is part of the Robus project.

Motor30 (Revision A)


The Motor30 board is an H-bridge for delivering up 30 Amperes of current to a motor. In addition, it has an on-board hall-effect shaft angle sensor. The module is fully opto-isolated to keep motor noise from leaking across to the logic power supply.


{Some of the links below are currently broken.}

The entire Motor30 project is available as a KiCAD archived ZIP file:

There is a seperate design document with an embedded SVG of the schematic available.

The following images are available in the in PS and SVG formats:

This is my list of pertinent vendor data sheets from my private cache of datasheets:

74x74 (PDF)
A dual D-type flip-flop.
ACS715 (PDF)
A 30 Ampere unidirectional current sensor.
AS5040 (PDF)
A 10-bit hall-effect absolute angle sensor.
DS8921 (PDF)
An RS-422 receiver and transmitter in a single package.
An LDO voltage regulator that is avaiable in 4.5 volts.
LM2921 (PDF)
A 5V LDO voltage regulator that is save to 30V input voltage.
LM311 (PDF)
An open-collector voltage comparator.
LPC175x (PDF)
An embedded ARM chip from NXP.
An inexpensive low drop out voltage regulator.
MCP2551 (PDF)
A CAN bus transceiver
MCP600x (PDF)
A generic op-amp.
An inexpensive low drop out voltage regulator.

Copyright 2011 by Wayne C. Gramlich All rights reserved.