This is the specification portion of the RoboBricks Projects. It is currently work in progress.

RoboBricks Specifications

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Software Protocol
  3. Interrupts
  4. Baud Rate Control
  5. Electrical Specification
  6. Mechanical Specification

1 Introduction

There are three components to the RoboBrick specifications -- the software protocol, electrical protocol, and the mechanical connector specification.

2 Software Protocol

The RoboBrick protocol is very simple. The controlling processor sends out one or more command bytes and the selected Robobrick responds with one or more response bytes. The RoboBrick protocol is asynchronous serial in 8N1 format (i.e. 1 start bit, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.) The protocol speed is at 2400 baud.

All of the slave RoboBricks share some common commands to help with glitches, RoboBrick identication, and clock drift management. These are discussed briefly below:

A glitch occurs when a spurrious signal manages to cross-couple onto a RoboBrick signal wire. There a few commands to help combat glitches.
Each RoboBrick has a bunch of identification information in it. This identification information contains the major and minor version numbers of the RoboBrick protocol, the major and minor version numbers for the RoboBrick itself and a 128-bit random number.
Clock Drift
RoboBricks are currently implemented using low cost 8-pin PIC processors running off of an internal 4MHz RC oscillator. While this reduces costs, RC oscillators are notoriously sensitive to temperature variations. While most RoboBrick applications will choose to ignore this issue, there are a variety of commands that can be used to adjust the RC osciallator frequency up and down as needed.

The shared commands are summarized textually below:

Sometimes a strong current pulse from elsewhere in the robot will cross couple with a RoboBrick signal wire and cause a spurrious start bit. The rest of the bits will be read as all ones. We call such a command the glitch command and all it does is bump a counter that can be read back via the Glitch read comand.
Glitch Read
This command returns the current value of the glitch counter and then resets the counter to zero.
ID Reset
This command will reset the ID pointer register.
ID Next
This command will return the next byte of identifier information. The ID pointer register is incremented.
Clock Pulse
This command cause the system to send a null character back. This pulse width can be measured by the master system to determine if the RC oscillator is running fast or slow.
Clock Read
This command returns the current value of the clock adjust register.
Clock Increment
This command increments the clock adjust register.
Clock Decrement
This command decrements the clock adjust register.

The shared command protocol is defined in the table below:

Shared RoboBrick Commands
Command Bit Number Send/Receive Description
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Glitch 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Send Glitch Command
Glitch Read 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Send Glitch Read Command
g g g g g g g g Receive Returns 8-bit gggggggg glitch counter value
ID Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 Send ID Reset Command
ID Next 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Send ID Next Command
i i i i i i i i Receive Returns next 8-bit iiiiiiii identification byte value
Clock Pulse 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 Send Clock Pulse Command
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Receive Returns a null byte that can be timed for clock drift
Clock Read 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 Send Clock Read Command
c c c c c c c c Receive Returns the 8-bit cccccccc clock adjust register value
Clock Increment 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 Send Clock Increment Command
Clock Decrement 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Send Clock Decrement Command

The identification bytes in each RoboBrick are arranged as follows:

Offset Name Description
0 RBMajor Major Version Number for identification stream (currently 1)
1 RBMinor Minor Version Number for identification stream (currently 0)
2 BrickID BrickID for common Bricks (see table below)
3 BrickRev Brick Revision (0=A, 1=B, 2=C, 3=D, 4=E 5=F, 6=G 7=H, etc.)
4 BrickFlags 8 RoboBrick Specific Flags
5 Reserved0 (use 0) Reserved for future use
6 Reserved1 (use 0) Reserved for future use
7 Reserved2 (use 0) Reserved for future use
8-23 UID0-15 128-bit Unique Identifier (Randomly Generated)
24 NameLength RoboBrick Name Length
Next NameLength Bytes BrickName Name of RoboBrick in ASCII
Next Byte VendorLength Vendor Name Length
Next VendorLength Bytes VendorName Vendor Name in ASCII
Next Byte OptionsLength Options Length (optional)
Next OptionLength Bytes Options Option Bytes (optional)

The BrickFlags are currently defined as follows:

Bit BrickFlags Description
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
c c=1 => clock adjust supported
i i=1 => interrupt protocol supported
o o=1 => optional bytes follow vendor name
b b=1 => Baud rate change is allowed

The RoboBricks are given for BrickID identifiers on a first come first serve basis. The following identifiers have already been allocated:

ID RoboBrick Name
0-7 Reserved for experimenters
8 LED4 (obsolete)
9 LED10 (obsolete)
10 In8 (obsolete)
11 BIROD2 (abandoned)
12 AnalogIn4
13 Out10 (obsolete)
14 Motor2
15 Servo4
16 Shaft2
17 Stepper1
18 Switch8 (obsolete)
19 Threshold4 (obsolete)
20 AIROD2 (abandoned)
21 Compass360 (obsolete)
22 Compass8 (obsolete)
23 InOut10
24 Laser1
25 Light4
26 Sonar1 (abandoned)
28 BIROD5 (abandoned)
30 Bill Hubbard's RC4
31 IRProximity2
32 Digital8
33 DualMotor1Amp
34 IREdge4

Each brick is assigned a 128-bit random number. The probability of two bricks being assigned the same random number is 1/(2128) which is a pretty small number. On Linux, the random numbers can be read from /dev/random (or /dev/urandom.)

3 Interrupts

At 2400 baud, it can take a while to poll several input RoboBricks to see if anything interesting has occured. Sometimes RoboBricks are sensing inputs that need a response that is faster than strict polling can provide. For example, bumper detectors. To support low latency, many RoboBricks support the RoboBrick Interrupt Protocol.

The RoboBrick Interrupt Protocol is very simple. Each RoboBrick that supports the protocol has two bits -- the interrupt pending bit and the interrupt enable bit. The interrupt pending bit is set by the RoboBrick when a prespecified user event has occured. The interrupt enable bit is set to allow the interrupt to occur.

The following steps occur when using interrupts:

  1. The user sends some RoboBrick specific commands to set up the conditions for setting the interrupt pending bit.
  2. The user sends an enable interrupt command.
  3. When the interrupt condition occurs, the interrupt pending bit is set and an interrupt is triggered. The interrupt is signaled by dropping the output line from the RoboBrick to a low.
  4. The master processor detects that the interrupt has occured.
  5. One or more commands are sent to the Robobrick to figure out what happened. When the first bit of the first command is received, the RoboBrick clears both the interrupt enable bit and restores its transmit line high.
  6. Depending upon the RoboBrick, the interrupt pending bit may need to be cleared by sending pending bit clear command. For some other RoboBricks, the condition that sets the interrupt pending bit may automatically clear.
If the user needs to query the RoboBrick before the interrupt occurs, any command will clear the interrupt enable bit. In order to get another interrupt, another interrupt enable command must be sent.

Since many RoboBricks will implement the RoboBrick Interrupt Protocol, there are some common commands defined to support the protocol:

Command Send/
Byte Value Discussion
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read Interrupt Bits Send 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 Return the interrupt enable bit e and pending bit p.
Receive 0 0 0 0 0 0 e p
Set Interrupt Bits Send 1 1 1 1 0 0 e p Set interrupt enable bit to e and pending bit to p.
Set Interrupt Pending Send 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 p Set interrupt pending bit to p.
Set Interrupt Enable Send 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 e Set interrupt enable bit to e.

4 Baud Rate Control

As of the version 1.1 of the RoboBricks protocol, the ability to change baud rate has been added. All RoboBrick modules start out communicating at 2400 baud using an 8N1 (1 start bit, 8 data bits, No parity, and 1 stop bit) asynchronous serial protocol. A RoboBrick indicates that it can support increases in its baud rate by seting bit 3 in the BrickFlags byte (5th byte = offset 4) of the RoboBrick identificiation string.

There are three RoboBrick baud rate control commands:

Read Available Baud Rates
This command will return a bit mask of the baud rates supported by the RoboBrick.
Read Current Baud Rate
This command will return a code that specifies what the current baud rate is.
Set New Baud Rate
This command will set the new baud rate.

The available baud rates are in the table below:

Baud Rate Code Mask (binary)
2400 0 0000 0001
4800 1 0000 0010
9600 2 0000 0100
19200 3 0000 1000
38400 4 0001 0000
57600 5 0010 0000
115200 6 0100 0000
230400 7 1000 0000

The detailed commands are:

Command Send/
Byte Value Discussion
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Read Available Baud Rates Send 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 Return the available baud rates as a mask abcdefg where a=230400, b=115200, ..., h=2400
Receive a b c d e f g h
Read Current Baud Rate Send 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 Return the current baud rate as rrr where rrr=000 => 2400, rrr=001 => 4800, ..., rrr=111 => 230400
Receive 0 0 0 0 0 r r r
Set New Baud Rate Send 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 Set the new baud rate to rrr where rrr=000 =>2400, rrr=001 => 4800, ... rrr=111 =>230400. The first two bytes are sent at the old baud rate. The next two bytes are sent/received at the new baud rate. If the RoboBrick does not receive the last byte correctly at the new baud rate, this command will fail and the baud rate will remain unchanged.
Send 0 r r r 0 r r r
Receive 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Send 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

The Set New Baud Rate command is a little tricky and merits additional discussion. Changing baud rates is potentially risky. If the host attempts to change the baud rate, and the target RoboBrick sets the baud rate incorrectly, the host will no longer be able to successfully communicate with the RoboBrick. The only way to recover is to reset power to the RoboBrick to get it back to 2400 baud. For this reason, the command to set the new baud rate requires positive acknowledgement that the baud rate has changed. The first two bytes of the command are sent at the old baud rate, where the second byte specifies the desired new baud rate. The next two bytes of the command are performed at the new baud rate. If the host does not get a '0101 0101', the knows that something has gone wrong. If the RoboBrick does not get a '0101 0101' from the host, the RoboBrick knows that something has gone wrong. If anything goes wrong, the baud rate reverts back to the original value.

After the baud rate for a RoboBrick has been set, it probably makes sense to run the clock adjust algorithm to make sure the RoboBrick clock is as close as possible to the host clock.

5 Electrical Specification

The RoboBrick electrical protocol is based around a 4 wires using standard 5-pin straight headers with .100 inch between the pins. The 4 wires are:

Ground (GND)
Ground return
Power (PWR)
+5 Volts of regulated DC power
Serial Down (MOUT => SIN)
Serial bit stream down using 8N1 (1 start bit, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit) asynchronous signaling at 2400 baud. The signal levels swing between .2 volts and +4.8 volts. A 1 is indicated by 4.8 volts and a zero is indicated by .2 volts. The start bit is a zero and the stop bit is a one.
Serial Up (MIN <= SOUT)
Serial bit stream up using 8N1 asynchronous signaling at 2400 baud. The signal levels swing between ground and +5 volts. A 1 is indicated by 4.8 volts and a zero is indicated by .2 volts. The start bit is a zero and the stop bit is a one.

The printed circuit boards use standard .100 straight male headers. These are usually purchased in lengths of 30-40 pins (e.g. Jameco 160881), and are snipped to a length of 5 pins. The cables are manufactured using 5 pin female cable headers with .100 centers (e.g. Jameco 163686).

The pin outs for master boards are:

Pin 1 (GND)
GND stands for GrouND return.
Pin 2 (NC)
NC stands for No Connection. This pin is snipped off for polarization purposes.
Pin 3 (PWR)
PWR stand sfor PoWeR and corresponds to +5 volts of regulated DC power.
Pin 4 (MOUT)
MOUT stands for Master OUT and corresponds to the serial down connection for sending serial data from the master RoboBrick to the slave RoboBrick.
Pin 5 (MIN)
MIN stands for Master IN and corresponds to the serial up connection for sending serial data from the slave RoboBrick to the master RoboBrick.
The pin outs for the slave boards are:
Pin 1 (GND)
GND stands for GrouND return.
Pin 2 (NC)
NC stands for No Connection. This pin is snipped off for polarization purposes.
Pin 3 (PWR)
PWR stands for PoWeR and corresponds to +5 volts of regulated DC power.
Pin 4 (SIN)
SIN stands for Slave IN and corresponds to the serial down connection for sending serial data from the master RoboBrick to the slave RoboBrick.
Pin 5 (SOUT)
SOUT stands for Slave OUT and corresponds to the serial up connection for sending serial data from the slave RoboBrick to the master RoboBrick.

The cables are wired straight through with pin 2 left unconnected (i.e. pin 1 to pin 1, pin 3 to pin 3, pin 4 to pin 4 and pin 5 to pin 5.) 22 AWG stranded wire must be used for the cable wires. There is no offical color code for the cable wires.

Pin 2 is used to polarize the cable. A male pin (Jameco 145357) is jammed into pin 2 and the male pin that sticks out is snipped off For a properly polarized cable and RoboBrick boards, it is not possible to plug the cable into the board either backwards or off by one. It is possible to plug a master to a master and a slave to slave, but no harm results.

6 Mechanical Specification

RoboBricks are compatible with the Lego®, MegaBloks®, and RokenBok® plastic toys. The standard pitch between studs on these toys is approximately 5/16 inches (or 4mm.) This means that a 4 by 4 square is 1.25 inches. The RoboBrick boards are always in units of 1.25 inch squares. All RoboBricks are 2.5 inches high by some multiple of 1.25 inches wide. Thus, the smallest RoboBrick is 1.25 by 2.5 inches, the next size up is 2.5 by 2.5, and the one after that is 2.5 by 3.75, etc.

The top and bottom of each RoboBrick has a row of holes that fit over the studs on plastic bricks. Thus, the holes are at least .195 inches in diameter. Since most RoboBrick printed circuit boards are double sided with plated through holes, the holes should probably be drilled with at least a .196 (#9) inch drill. For metric, a 4.9mm seems to work out reasonably well. The formula for determining the offset for stud N (where N starts at 0) is:

Offset = U/2 + N × U
where U is 5/16 of an inch. The expanded formula is:
Offset = .15625 + N × .31250
The first 8 values for this formula are shown below:

CountOffset (in.) N×.05+/-offset
00.15625 3×.05+.00625
10.46875 9×.05+.01875
20.78125 16×.05-.01875
31.09375 22×.05-.00625
41.40625 28×.05+.00625
51.71875 34×.05+.01875
62.03125 41×.05-.01875
72.34375 47×.05-.00625
Repeats on 2.5 inch grid
After 8 entries, the numbers repeat offset by 2.5 inches.

Somewhere on each RoboBrick, must be name of the RoboBrick. The standard naming convention is `{name}-{revision}'. For example, 'Digital8-A', `DualMotor1Amp-B', etc. Please note that the revision corresponds to both hardware revision and the software revision inside the microcontroller.

A diagram of the mechanical specification is shown below:

RoboBrick Mechanical Layout

Copyright (c) 1999-2005 by Wayne C. Gramlich. All rights reserved.