This is the Revision C verion of the BS2Hub8 RoboBrick. The status of this project is that it has been replaced by the revision D version.
This document is also available as a PDF document.
The BS2Hub8 RoboBrick is a master RoboBrick that can control up to 8 slave RoboBricks. It is controlled by a Basic Stamp 2® from Parallax. It has two terminals that can be connect to a battery between 6 and 9 volts. It has an on board 5 volt voltage regulator to provide power to the slave RoboBricks. The is a connector that can be connected to a DB9 connector and used to communicate with a controlling PC via RS-232 voltage levels.
We may eventually put a few examples of programming the BS2Hub8 RoboBrick here. Basically, it is programmed using the Parallax Basic for the Basic Stamp 2.
' Even numbered pins inputs and odd number pins are outputs. ' (Remember for the BS2, 1=output and 0=input.) dirs = $aaaa ' Set all outputs to high: high 1 high 3 high 5 high 7 high 9 high 11 high 13 high 15 ' To copy a Switch8-B (on N2) to LED10-B (on N1): switches var byte loop: ' Send command 0 (Read switches) to Switch8-B: serout 11, 396, [0] ' Receive the switch readings from Switch8-B: serin 10, 396, [switches] ' Send switch values to LED10-B: serout 9, 396, [switches] goto loop
Connector Input Output N1 (Top) P8 P9 N2 P10 P11 N3 P12 P13 N4 P14 P15 N5 P6 P7 N6 P4 P5 N7 P2 P3 N8 (Bottom) P0 P1
The hardware consists of a circuit schematic and a printed circuit board.
The schematic for the BS2Hub8 RoboBrick is shown below:
The parts list kept in a separate file -- bs2hub8.ptl.
The printed circuit board files are listed below:
The construction instructions are kept in a separate file document to be a little more printer friendly.
There is no software for the BS2Hub8 RoboBrick yet.
The following fabrication issues have come up: