The previous chapter discusses viewers.


A repository simply provides "electronic paper" on which authors may publish information which users may subsequently read. A repository collects fees from both authors and users in the form of monthly storage fees and royalties, respectively. Collected royalty fees are split between the repository and the author. Since different repositories will have differing fee structures, authors will tend to shop around until they find the fee structure that they are most comfortable with.

Storage Formats

The repository fundamentally stores and retrieves bit strings. While, in general, the format used to represent the author's information is of no consequence to the repository, the viewer software will need to know the representation in order to meaningfully render it to the user. Thus, the repository must provide mechanisms for allowing the viewer software to identify the format of information that is being retrieved. In addition, for some storage formats, the viewer software, cache, and repository will provide algorithms that optimize how information is transmitted across the network (e.g. images, audio, etc.)

While authors will initially use existing information storage formats, over time, new formats and transmission strategies will evolve to minimize storage and optimize transmission bandwidth. Each of the standard information formats is discussed below:

Text will initially use standards such as ASCII, Latin-1, and Unicode. Future formats are likely to be based on Huffman encodings of characters, words, and/or phrases. Lempf-Zempel compression algorithms are likely to be utilized between viewer, cache, and repository to optimize network bandwidth.

Most textual information has more structure than just a linear sequence of words (e.g. paragraph breaks, enumeration lists, headings, footnotes, cross-references, etc.) Some standard will be needed to encode this formatting information. It is desirable that the standard preserve the ability to make hypertext links to sub-spans of text (see below about hypertext links), let the reader select the font style in which the text is to be rendered, and get away from page oriented display (after all, this new from of "electronic paper" that does not really have the concept of the end of the page.) Thus, while Postscript comes to mind almost immediately, it is not a perfect match for the desired standard.

Raw images.
Raw images have the following parameters - height and width in pixels, bits per pixel, and the pixel format (grey scale, red-green-blue, etc.) The most typical way to store the pixels is in left-to-right/top-to-bottom order. There is no particular reason not to store an image in a compressed format such as TIFF. If there is sufficient network bandwidth between the viewer software, cache, and repository, the viewer software will uncompress the image itself; otherwise, the repository (or cache) will uncompress the image and send it to the viewer in a manor that more effectively uses network bandwidth. For example, if the viewer can only display 3-bits of each color, only the high order three bits of each color in a 24-bit color image need to be transmitted. As a further optimization, the pixel scanning order can be changed from left-to-right/top-to-bottom to a recursive quadrant order, whereby the image is subdivided into successively smaller quadrants until full resolution is achieved. The recursive quadrant scan order for an 8-by-8 image is shown below:

Recursive Quadrant Image

Using these two tricks, the viewer software will be able to quickly render an image of acceptable quality to the end-user even over relatively slow modems.

Structured images
Structured images are either 2D or 3D images whereby the image is described as a data structure and/or rendering algorithm. Postscript is an extremely popular 2D rendering format and Phigs is a popular 3D format.

Audio has three basic parameters - the number of channels (usually mono or stereo), the number of bits per channel (usually 8 or 16 bits), and the sample frequency (usually somewhere in the vicinity of 44 KHz.) Audio is amendable to quite a bit of compression. As long as hypertext links to spans of audio are still possible, there is no reason not to store and transmit the information in a compressed format. A single channel of voice grade audio can be transmitted in real-time using a linear adaptive encoding via a 2400 baud connection.

Video is likely to be stored in MPEG format and its follow-on formats. The network will have to have substantial bandwidth improvements before real-time video becomes a reality.
As technology evolves, new formats will be created.


The fundamental unit of publication is the document. As far at the repository is concerned, a document is merely a linear sequence of consecutive bits. However, some structure and standards need to be imposed on documents in order for viewer software to successfully display the document to the user; these standards must be extensible enough to deal with future innovation.

The first portion of the document is an attribute-value list which lists standard information about the document as a sequence of attribute-value pairs. The information the attribute value pairs is:

A hypertext link to the author record.

Title Index Entry
A hypertext link to the title index entry.

Author Index Entry
A hypertext link back to the author index entry.

Subject Index Entries
A hypertext link for each subject index entry.

External hypertext link table
A list of embedded external hypertext links.

Rendering table.

(More about documents go here.)


An author can charge different royalty rates for reading different portions of a document; varying royalty rates are particularly useful for documents that contain a mixture of text, images and audio. Just as important, the author is free to change the royalty rates over time. For example, a struggling author might have to initially use low royalty rates, but as the author becomes more widely read, the royalty rates can be increased for all of the author's published material. This means that the account overlays need to be kept separate from the document proper and they must be updatable.

Both deliberate and accidental copyright infringement will occur with electronic publishing. Whenever two repositories have two reasonably long copyrighted bit spans that exactly match, there is a copyright infringement problem. It is not the responsibility of the repositories to identify copyright infringement; instead, they may rely on other people to discover the infringement problem. The procedures for resolving a copyright infringement case should basically be as follows:

  1. The two copyright owners need to be notified. Sometimes they will be able to arrive at a mutually agreeable solution.

  2. If the copyright owners can not reach a mutually agreeable solution, they can submit their case to some form of arbitration.

  3. As a last resort, the two owners can apply for a judgement from the legal system.
One of the most common solutions to the problem will be to assign royalties from both spans of bits to the same account; with this solution the true copyright owner gets the same royalties independent of which repository someone fetches the information from; this solution does not address royalties lost before the infringement was discovered. While an infringement case is being worked out, each repository can set up a separate impound account for the disputed material; afterwards, the money stored in the impound accounts can be released to the appropriate author.

The courts can demand that material be removed from publication for libel reasons. This is accomplished by marking the published material as being unavailable whenever it is asked for.


The author/subject/title indices are specific instances of an index. An index is broken into two related documents - a search tree and an entry list. The search tree is used to quickly search for information. The entry list is what is actually displayed to the user. An entry list is permitted to have more than one search tree that points to it. A logical view of a contrived index is shown below; as can be seen, the access tree only consists of search keys arranged as a balanced binary tree with pointers from each tree node to the corresponding full entry in the entry list.

Search Tree

The search tree needs to be linearized into a document. The primary concern during the linearization process is to attempt to minimize the amount of I/O needed to search down to a leaf node in the search tree. For example, if the repository's most convenient blocking factor only contains three tree nodes, the access tree in Figure 12 ould be linearized in triples as (Holly, Deborah, Molly), (Betty, Ashley, Cathy), (Felice, Elsa, Gertrude), (Katherine, Jasmine, Louise), and (Opel, Nadine, Ruby); if, instead, the most convenient blocking factor is seven to eight tree nodes, it would be linearized as (Holly, Deborah, Molly, Betty, Felice, Katherine, Opel), (Ashley, Cathy, Elsa, Gertrude, Jasmine, Louise, Nadine, Ruby). When a search tree is published, the repository should tell the publisher what the current blocking factor is. Since as hardware evolves, the appropriate blocking factor will change, the viewer software should not be directly exposed to the actual blocking factor.

Since indices need to be updated over time, they are not static. For example, the author/subject/title indices need to be updated as new books are published. One strategy is to store the access tree on read/write storage and update the tree as new entries are added. An alternative strategy is to publish an index as a sequence of sub-indices that are searched as a whole; for this strategy, an index might be updated weekly and every quarter, the proceeding thirteen weeks would be consolidated into a quarterly index, and every year the proceeding three quarters would consolidated, etc. A single search tree would be huge, but it still would be quicker to search than searching a sequence of smaller sub-trees. The advantage of having a number of properly organized smaller search trees is that they can reduce search time; conversely, if the trees are organized incorrectly, they can increase search time.

Given that indices will be updated over time, it probably makes sense to structure search trees as 2-3 trees so that standard tree balancing algorithms can be applied. If search trees are only added to and never deleted, it is possible to store them on WORM (Write-Once/Read-Many) storage; otherwise, indices need to be stored on read/write storage.

In practice, there will probably be a separate index for each language (e.g. English, French, Spanish, etc.) and each language index will updated over time.

Specialized Indices

Overlay hypertext links, masks, and royalties are all implemented as indices. All of these indices are use the repository numbers as the first level key, followed by document number, finally followed by a document offset.

The entry for an overlay hypertext link consists of a textual descriptions (plus length) followed by an embedded hypertext link. Whenever the viewer software displays a span of text from a document, it will search each of the hypertext overlays indices specified by the user searching for hypertext links to display with the text. If the user has specified M indices where each index has an average of N entries, the search time will be O(M log N). Most hypertext overlay indices will adopt the convention of charging very little for reading the hypertext link textual description and charging most of the cost of traversing a hypertext link when the embedded hypertext link is read.

Each mask entry specifies a document offset and length. For restrictive masks, the viewer software will search the mask tree to see whether there are any applicable restrictions before actually displaying a text span. For highlight masks, the masks can be searched after the text span has been displayed.

Each royalty entry is specifies a document offset, length, and royalty amount. Royalty entries are stored in writable storage so that they be modified over time.

The Cache/Repository Protocol

The protocol between the cache and the repository needs to support the following operations:
Establish a connection between a cache and a repository.

Read a span of bits from the repository.

Royalty Query
Determine the royalty rate for a span of bits from the repository.

Encoding Query
Determine what encoding is used for a span of bits from the repository.

Deposit Money
Send an electronic check from the cache to the repository.

Publish a hypertext link onto the end of a queue (used for mail and bulletin boards.)

Shut down a connection between the cache and the repository.

The first operation a cache performs is to establish a connect with a repository. The cache needs to send an electronic check to the repository to cover the costs of other operations. The response back from the repository is returned as an attribute value list which contains information such as:

The fundamental operation that viewer software performs is the read operation. The read operation specifies a document number, a starting bit offset, and the number of bits to be fetched and returns a list of rate/sub-span pairs; each When a cache receives a read request, it first sees whether it can honor the request from its local cache; if not, the cache establishes a connection to the repository and forwards the request. Upon receiving the request, the repository looks up the desired information and returns it back to the cache. After the request has been fulfilled, the appropriate amount of royalty money is transferred from the cache account to the appropriate author's account as described in the section on electronic banking.

Since read requests may incur a royalty cost, there needs to be a mechanism discovering the cost of information before actually reading it. This is done by merely querying the repositories royalty index.

Repository Hardware

Mass storage technology is currently undergoing a tremendous rate of innovation. The reliability is steadily increasing and the cost per bit is decreasing dramatically. The amount and cost of storage available via optical juke box technology is pretty amazing. However, the access time for optical juke boxes is sufficiently slow that they may not provide the correct price performance ratio for a repository.

Repositories will require a great deal of network I/O bandwidth. There needs to be enough network connections to connect to each cache that needs access. Initial repositories will need 10's to 100's of modems. It does not take too much imagination to imagine a highly utilized repository in the future having 1000's of network connections.

Repositories will also require a great deal of storage I/O bandwidth. Electronic publishing will only work if the latency from the time that a user asks for information until it shows up is measured in seconds. The way to reduce latency is to cache commonly accessed information in memory and spread the rest of the information across a fairly large number of disk drives. By spreading the information across a large number of drives, the average request queue length for each drive should remain fairly short.

While initial repositories will be able to get away with implementations based on a single processor, as they get larger, multiple processors will be required to keep up with the vast amount of needed I/O. Ultimately repositories may need specialize hardware for routing an information request from the network connection to the processor connected to the drive containing the information. Thus, large repositories in the future may have scaled down telephone switching networks to interconnect the network connections to the information storage devices.

You may read the next chapter discussing caches or go back to the table of contents.

Copyright 1992-1995 Wayne C. Gramlich All rights reserved.