These are the PCB panels used for RoboBricks2 project.

RoboBricks2 PCB Panels

The following project panels have been generated:

Panel 43
Panel containing 2×Encoder1-B, 1×IRPRoximity4-A, 2×MidiMotor1E-B, 2×Terminate2-B,1×Mega1-A, and 4×IROD_Base1-B.
Panel 42
Panel containing 2×Encoder1-B, 1×MiniMotor2-C, 1×MidiMotor1E-B, 2×Terminate2-B, and 1×Mega1-A.
Panel 41
Panel containing 1×Encoder1-A, 1×Laser2-A, 1×Laser_Sense1-A, 1×IRProximity4-A, 2×IROD_Base1-A, 1×Encoder_Show1-A, 1×Display10, and 4×Sense1
Panel 40
Panel containing 4×Servo4-B, 2×Laser1-A, and 1×SerialHost1-A.
Panel 39
Panel containing 2×IRDistance2-?, 4×Terminate2-B and 1×Bumper14-A.
Panel 38
Panel containing 12×Controller40-A, 3×IO8-C and 3×Sonar6-B.
Panel 37
Panel containing DB9RJ11-C, SerialCam1-A, Shaft2-E, Sonar4-A, Sonar6-B, SonarSR-A, and Terminate2-B
Panel 36
Panel containing Button16-A, Ether1-A, Flame1-A, IRRemote1-A, and RC6-A.
Panel 35
Panel containing 2×Wireless-B, IMU1-A, Sonar6-A, and USB1-A.
Panel 34
Panel containing MiniMotor2-C, MidiMotor2-C, Orient5-B, Shaft2-D, Servo4-B, and IRDistance2-C.
Panel 33
Panel containing DB9RJ11-B, LCD32-B, WireHost-C, Controller28-D, 2×Terminate2-A, and IO8-C.
Panel 32
Panel containing Camera1.
Panel 31
Panel containing IRDistance2-B, Laser1-A, LCD32-B, Orient5-B, Servo4-B, Sonar2-D, and 4×Terminate-A.
Panel 30
Panel conataining Compass8-A, Orient5-A, Voice1-A, Wireless1-A, 4×IRProximity1-A, and 4×Terminate-A.
Panel 29
Panel conataining Controller24-A, IRDistance2-A, LCD32-A, Servo4-A, Sonar2-A, and 4×Terminate-A.
Panel 28
Panel conataining Controller28-C, DB9RJ11-A, IO8-C, MiniMotor2-C, MidiMotor2-C, Shaft2-D, and WireHost-C.
Panel 27
Panel conataining Controller28-B, DB9RJ11-A, IO8-B, MiniMotor2-B, MidiMotor2-B, Shaft2-C, and WireHost-B.
Panel 26
Panel conataining Controller28-A, DB9RJ11-A, IO8-A, MiniMotor2-A, MidiMotor2-A, Shaft2-A, and WirexHost-A.
Panel 25
Panel 25 is in the RoboBricks1 panels area.
Panel 24
Panel containing some experimental adaptor boards for the RoboBricks2 bus using a 10-wire ribbon cable connector.

Copyright © 2005-2009 by Wayne C. Gramlich. All rights reserved.