version "1.0"
identify "xyz"

module bitmap

#: This module provides an interface to some stepper motors.

define bitmap				#: A bitmap
	columns_size	unsigned	#: Number of columns
	rows vector[vector[unsigned]]	#: The rows of the bitmap
	rows_size	unsigned	#: Number of rows
    generate allocate, erase, print

procedure create@bitmap
	columns_size unsigned
	rows_size unsigned
    returns bitmap

    #: This procedure will create and return a new {bitmap} object
    #, that contains {rows_size} rows and {columns_size} columns.

procedure fetch2@bitmap
	bitmap bitmap
	x unsigned
	y unsigned
    returns logical

    #: This procedure will return the bit at location ({x}, {y}) in {bitmap}.

procedure find@bitmap
	bitmap bitmap
	x_start unsigned
	y_start unsigned
	search_value logical
    returns unsigned, unsigned

    #: This procedure will search {bitmap} for {search_value} starting at
    #, ({x_start}, {y_start}) in ever expanding squares.  The matching
    #, (x, y) coordinate is returned.  If no value is found, {x_start},
    #, {y_start} is returned.

procedure store2@bitmap
	bitmap bitmap
	x unsigned
	y unsigned
	value logical

    #: This procedure will set the bit at location ({x}, {y}) in {bitmap}
    #, to {value}.