The µCL Language Specification

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

2 Lexical Considerations 3 Types 4 Declarations 5 procedure Declaration 6 Statements 7 Expressions

1 Introduction

µCL stand for MicroController Language. It has the following basic goals:

Targeted for Microcontrollers
Microcontrollers are an interesting bread of system that differ pretty substantially from their more general purpose cousins. In general, microcontrollers are tending towards a so called Harvard architecture where the program code lives in non-volitile flash read only memory and the data lives in volitile random access memory. In addition, microcontrollers tend to have individual pins that can be programmed for specific uses.
Microcontroller Neutral
The language specification is not geared towards any specific microcontroller. While the first µCL code generators are geared towards the popular PIC® microcontrollers from MicroChip® , other code generators for microctroller families from other vendors.
Platform Neutral
The µCL compiler runs on multiple platforms -- Linux®, Windowsetc.
Beginner Friendly
Every attempt has been made to make the µCL friendly to beginning users. In particular, µCL does not use braces ({...}) to nest statements; instead it uses indentation. The reason for this is to elminate mismatched brace errors, a particularly nasty error that frequently results in an error message that points to a location that is quite far removed from the actual error.

This language specification tends to follow the same overall structure as other language specications; namely it discusses lexical issues first, followed by global declarations, procedure declarations, statements, and expressions.

2 Lexical Considerations

The term "lexical" is a computer science term that roughly corresponds to the character, word, and punctuation rules for a program.

2.1 Character Sets and Indentation

Early programs were done on punched cards using the Hollerith character codes. The unlamented punched cards were eventually replaced with 7-bit ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange.) µCL programs uses an 8-bit character code called Latin-9 which has 7-bit ASCII embedded in its first half and some additional character codes suitible for European languages in its second half. The official name for Latin-9 is ISO-8859-15, where ISO stands for International Standards Organization, 8859 is the number reserved for 8-bit character code standards, and 15 is the standard number used for Latin-9. What this means to the average µCL user is that symbols and strings can contain characters with accents, tildes, and umlauts and there are some additional non-letter symbols such as the Euro currency symbol ('= code 164 decimal) are available for inclusion in string and character constants.

A µCL program is broken into a sequence of lines, where each line is terminated by the LF character (Line-Feed = code 10 decimal.) There are many computer systems that insert an extra CR character (Carriage-Return = code 13 decimal) before each LF character. In µCL, the CR character before each LF character is silently ignored. The CR and CR-LF sequence is called the end of line. The average µCL user does not need to worry about any of this, whenever you need to start a new line, just press the [Enter] key, and the a new line will be started; the underlying editor will deal with the CR and LF stuff appropriately.

In general, each µCL declaration and statement occupies one line. Line comments start with a hash character ('#' = code 35 decimal) and continue to the end of line. A fragment of a µCL program is shown below:

    ucl 1.0				# Line 1
					# Line 2 (blank)
    # Copyright © 2004 by Gramlich      # Line 3 (comment)
					# Line 4 (blank)
    library PIC16F876A			# Line 5		

Note that this µCL program fragment has the Latin-9 character for copyright ('©' = code 169 decimal.) on the third line.

In addition to treating end of line as a statement and declaration termination, µCL uses indentation to specify nested statements and declarations. The Python programming language has popularized this concept. Some example code with indentation is shown below:

    # All procedure declarations start at indentation
    # level 0 (i.e. no preceeding white space.)

    procedure maximum
	# Indentation level 1.  All procedure arguments
	# and statements start at this level.

	argument a byte
	argument b byte
	returns byte

	if a > b
	    # Indentation level 2.  All "then" clause
	    # statements occur at one indentation level
	    # greater than parent "if" statement.

	    return a

	    # The end of "then" clause reverts to
	    # previous indentation level.

	# Back to indentation level 1.

	return b

	# End of arguments and statements reverts to
	# previous indentation level:

    # Back to indentation level 0.
    # More declarations follow here with no indenation.

    global variable x
    global variable y						

This example shows an µCL procedure for computing the maximum of two values. The initial declaration line is not indented at all and specifies the procedure name -- maximum. All subsequent procedure declarations (e.g. argument and returns ) and procedure statements (e.g. if and return ) must be indented by at least one level. The if statement starts at indentation level 1 and has its "then" clause at indentation level 2. At the end of the "then" clause, indentation returns level 1. Similarly, the end of the procedure is indicated by a return to indentation level 0.

The details for figuring out indentation are based on the column number for the first printing character (i.e. not a space or tab) on a line. If a line contains no printing characters, it is treated as a blank line and is ignored by the µCL language for indentation level determination. All lines in a sequence that are at the same column number (ignoring blank lines) are considered to be at the same indentation level.

Determining the column number of a line is complicated by the TAB character (= code 8 decimal.) For µCL, tab stops occur every 8 spaces. The occurrance of a tab advances the column number to the next multiple of 8 plus 1. The beginning of the line is at column 1. A tab at the beginning of a line advances to column 9 (= 8 + 1.) Another tab advances to column 17 (= 2×8 + 1.) A tab at column 13 also advances to column 17. For the average µCL user, if the code looks properly indented on the screen, the compiler will "see" the same indentation and behave accordingly.

Each time the column number for a line is greater than the previous printing line, the indentation level is incremented by one. When the column number for a line is less than the previous printing line, the indentation level reverts back to the last indentation level at that same column number. Some examples of different indentation levels are shown below:

    # Column labels:
    #   A   B   C   D
	# Indentation level N:
	if a < b
	    # Indentation level N + 1:
	    if c < d
		# Indentation level N + 2:
		e := f
	    else # Indentation level N + 1
		    # Indentation level N + 2 again:
		    # Note that it does not line up
		    # with previous N + 2 level.
		    # This ugly but legal.
		    g := h

	# Indentationl level N again:
	i := j							

The first indentation level occurs for lines in column A. The second indentation level occurs for lines in column B. The third indentation level ocurrs in column C for the first occurance and in level D in the second occurance. While this legal µCL code, it is strongly urged that you be consistent with indentation levels. Having each indentation level vary by 4 columns is the recommended style.

The C, C++, and Java programming languages use braces ({ = code 123 decimal and } = code 125 decimal) to indicate statement and declaration nesting. For programmers who type in braces without even thinking, the µCL language permits braces and semi-colons to be inserted into valid µCL programs. The µCL language ignores these characters except for computing column positions for indentation levels. Thus, the following code fragment is also legal µCL program.

    if (a < b) {
	return a;
    } else {
	return b;

µCL does not attempt to verify that the braces match. No further examples in this language use either braces or semicolons.

2.2 Symbols, Constants, and Punctuation

In µCL, a program is first broken into a sequence of tokens. Each token is one of the following catagories:

Symbols are used for variable names, procedure names, statement keywords, declaration keywords, assembler opcodes, etc.
The word literal is the computer science word for a constant. There are number literals (decimal, octal, hexadecimal, and floating point), string literals, and character literals.
There are binary operators (e.g. '+', '-', '*', '/', etc.), unary operators (e.g. '!', '~', '-', '+'), and grouping operators (e.g. '(', ')', '[', ']'.)
The two miscellaneous tokens are end of line and line comment.

2.2.1 Symbols

In µCL, a symbol is a sequence of letters ('A'-'Z', 'a'-'z'), digits ('0'-'9'), dollar sign ('$'), and underscore ('_'). The followining restrictions are in place:

As a point of clarification, a letter includes the standard ASCII letters in addition to the Latin-9 letters with embedded punctuation.

Some examples of good symbols are listed below:


Some examples of bad symbols are listed below:

    _Special_		# Starts (and ends) with underscore
    Micro$oft		# Dollar sign in middle
    Bad__news		# Two underscores in a row
    1potato		# Starts with digit			

By convention, system libraries will tend to define symbols that start with a dollar sign ('$'). This allows µCL programmers to freely pick names without having to worry about accidentally conflicting with a system library symbol.

2.2.2 Constants

µCL supports decimal, hexadecimal, and floating point numbers, character constants, and string constants. Decimal Numbers

A decimal number consists of one or more decimal digits ('0' through '9') inclusive. Some example decimal numbers are shown below:

    1234567 Hexadecimal Numbers

A hexadecimal number starts with a "0x" or "0X " prefix. The prefix is followed by one or more hexadecimal digits ('0'-'9', 'A'-'F', and 'a'-'f'.) Some example hexadecimal numbers are shown below:

    0xABE Floating Point Numbers

{Floating point is coming, but it has not been implemented yet. Thus, nothing in this section,, acutally works yet.}

A floating point number constant is a decimal number with a decimal point ('.' = 46 code decimal) character in it optionally followed by an exponent in "e" notation. "E" notation is the letter 'e' or 'E' followed by an optional sign, '+' or '-', followed by a decimal number.

    .1e-6		# .1×10-6
    1.23E-12		# 1.23×10-12
    9.87E8		# 9.8×108		

Please note that 1e9 is not a valid floating point constant because there is no decimal point in the first number (i.e. the mantissa.) String Constants

String constants are enclosed in double quotes ('"' = code 34 decimal.) Only printing characters and spaces are allowed between the quote characters. A pair of backslash characters ('\' = code 92 decimal) embedded in the string is used to delineate the non-printing characters. The non-printing characters can be expressed as decimal numbers, hexadecimal numbers, or symbolic names. Mulitple non-printing characters have their number separated by a comma. The symbolic names come from the table below:

SymbolValueSymbolValueSymbol ValueSymbolValueSymbolValue
nul0ht9dc218 esc27t9
soh1lf10dc319 fs28n10
stx2vt11dc420 gs29v11
etx3ff12nak21 rs30f12
eot4cr13syn22 us31r13
enq5so14etb23 sp32tab8
ack6si15can24 del127bsl92
bel7dle16em25 a7dq34
bs8dc117sub26 b8sq39

The symbols in the table come mostly from the ASCII control code symbols. The single letter codes are from the escape codes used in C and C++. The last three codes are used to encode backslash (bsl = '\'), single quote (sq = "'") and double quote (dq = '"'.) Some string constant examples are shown below:

    ""			# Empty string
    "a"			# String containing single letter "a"
    " "			# String containing single space
    "Hello, World!\n\"	# "Hello, World" followed by line feed
    "No.\tab\Desc.\lf\"	# String with tab and line feed in it
    "\bsl\"		# String containing single backslash
    "'"			# String containing single quote.
    "\sq\"		# String containing single quote
    "\dq\"		# String containing double quote
    "\dq\Hi\dq\"	# String encloses "Hi" in double quotes
    "Done!\10,13\"	# String followed by CR and LF
    "Done!\r,n\"	# String followed by CR and LF
    "Done!\cr,lf\"	# String followed by CR and LF Character Constants

Character constants are just like string constants except that they are enclosed in single quotes and they must contain a single character. Some character constant examples are shown below:

    'a'			# The letter 'a'
    ' '			# A space
    '\tab\'		# A tab
    '©'                 # A Latin-9 copyright '©'	

2.2.3 Punctuation

The following tokens are used in µCL as binary operators:

SymbolUsageSymbolUsageSymbol Usage
+Addition< Less Than<<Shift Left
-Subtraction<= Less Than or Equals>>Shift Right
*Multiplication= Equals~Concatenate
/Division!= Not Equals&&Conditional AND
%Remainder> Greater Than||Conditional OR
&Bitwise AND>= Greater Than or Equals,Expression Separate
|Bitwise OR@ Bit Selection
^Bitwise XOR:= Assignment

The following tokens are used as unary operators:

~Bitwise NOT
!Logical NOT

The remaining tokens are:

SymbolUsageSymbolUsageSymbol Usage
(Open Parenthesis) Close Parenthesis?Arithmetic If
[Open Bracket] Close Bracket:Arithmetic If


A comment line starts with a sharp (# = code 35 decimal) character and goes until the end of line. All characters from the sharp character to the end of line are ignored by the µCL language. A comment can be placed at the end of any line. Some examples of comments are listed below:

    # This is a one line comment followed by an empty line

    # This a sequence of comments that spans a total of
    # three lines.  Each line is technically treated
    # as an independent comment by the compiler.

    global x float24	# A comment after a declaration.	

2.4 Continuation Lines

Sometimes an expression gets too long to conveniently fit on one line in the editor. Such an expression can be broken into multiple continuation lines using the following rules:

Some examples should help clarify things.

Example 1:

    if a * b > c &d + e < f ||	# Cont. line 1
      g != 0 &h /g > 0		# Cont. line 2
	a := a + 1						

In this example, the if statement expression is broken across two lines. The first line ends in '||' which tells the compiler to look at the next line for the rest of the expression.

Example 2:

    call long_procedure_name(		# Cont. line 1
      expression1,			# Cont. line 2
      expression2)			# Cont. line 3		

In this example, the call statement is broken across three lines. The open parenthesis ('(') after 'long_procedure_name' indicates that the first line is continued onto the second. The second line ends in a comma (',') which indicates that the second line continues to the third line. The third line ends in a close parenthesis (')') which is one of the two punctuation characters that does not force a continuation line.

Here are some examples of bad continuation lines:

Example 3:

    call long_procedure_name(
    expression1, expression2)					

In this example, the first line ends in an open parenthesis ('('), but the second line is not indented by more than the first line.

Example 4:

    call long_procedure_name(

In this example, second and third lines are not indented by the same amount.

3 Types

The µCL language supports the following basic types:

A single bit that contains 1 or 0. In other progamming languages this is called Boolean or Logical. An I/O pin is an important special case of the Bit type.
Unsigned Integer
An unsigned integer is one whose lowest legal value is 0 and its highest value depends up on the number of bits available. Currently, µCL only supports 8 bit unsigned integers.
Signed Integer (unimplemented)
A signed integer is one that can represent postive numbers and zero. The largest legal value depends upon the number of bits available.
Floating Point Number (unimplemented)
For µCL, a floating point number is one that can represent a number between approximately ±1038.
In µCL, a string is a read only sequence of characters.

In addition, µCL supports linear arrays of these types.

3.1 Bit

A bit can contain the values `0' and `1'. Bits can be stored in variables and transfered via assignment statements.

Some examples of bit code are shown below:

    local a bit
    local b bit
    local c bit

    a := 1
    b := c
    c := a &c		# a AND c
    a := !b		# NOT b

3.2 Unsigned Integer

The unsigned integer types are listed in the table below:

NamePrecisionLowest ValueHighest ValueStatus
byte8 Bits0255 Implemented
unsigned88 Bits0255 Unimplemented
unsigned1616 Bits065535 Unimplemented
unsigned2424 Bits0 16777215Unimplemented
unsigned3232 Bits0 4294967295Unimplemented

The types byte and unsigned8 can be used interchangeably. On an 8-bit microcontroller, arithmetic using the higher precisions takes more cycles to compute. Currently only byte is implemented.

Some example code with bytes is shown below:

    variable a byte
    variable b byte
    variable c byte

    a := 23
    b := a
    c := a + b << 3					

3.3 Signed Integer

The signed integer types are listed in the table below:

NamePrecisionLowest ValueHighest ValueStatus
signed88 Bits-128+127 Unimplemented
signed1616 Bits-32769 +32768Unimplemented
signed2424 Bits-8388608 +8388607Unimplemented
signed3232 Bits-2147483648 +2147483647Unimplemented

None of these types are currently implemented.

3.4 Floating Point

The floating point type is listed in the table below:

NamePrecisionLargest NumberSmallest NumberDigits of AccuracyStatus
float3232 Bits±1038 ±10-38~7Unimplemented

Notice that float24 and float32 can represent the same sized numbers; however, the number of digits of accuracy varies. Lastly, the floating point arithmetic operations are significantly slower on the 8-bit microcontrollers. The libraries that implement the operations take up a substantial amount of code space.

3.5 String

In µCL, a string is a read only string that is stored in program memory; strings can not be modified.

    local text string
    local chr byte
    local length byte

    text := "A string literal"	# String assignment
    chr := text[3]		# chr = 't'
    length := text.size		# length = 16			

3.6 Array

Any type can be put into an array. Arrays have a fixed size. The array can be indexed into with a byte (i.e. unsigned8) index value. There is no bounds checking when accessing a byte array. The code below shows some examples array types.

Some sample code with byte arrays is shown below:

    global buffer[10] array[byte]	# Ten byte buffer
    global index byte
    global size byte

    index := buffer.size - 4
    buffer[0] := 0
    buffer[index] := 8
    buffer[index + 1] := buffer[index]
    buffer[23] := 17		# Out of bounds!
    size := buffer.size						

{more here}

4 Declarations

All declarations occur at the outer most level in a program. With the exception of the procedure declaration, all declarations are listed in alphabetical order in the following sections.

4.1 bind Declaration

The bind declaration has three different forms:

Simple bind Declaration
Defines a new variable that is equivalant to a previously defined global variable or register.
Array bind Declaration
Defines a new variable that is equivalent to a specific entry in a global array.
Bit bind Declaration
Defines a new bit variable that is equivalent to a specific bit in a previously defined global variable or register.

All three forms define a new variable that is in some way equivalent to a previously defined variable.

4.1.1 Simple bind Declaration

A simple bind delcaration has the following form:

bind new_name = old_name


is the new symbol name, and
is a previously defined register or global variable.

After a simple bind declaration, new_name is a variable that is equivalent to old_name.

For example, for the following declarations:

    global a byte
    register b = 0x88
    bind aa = a
    bind bb = b							

the following are equivalant:

a := 17aa := 17
b := 17bb := 17
c := a + 1c := aa + 1
c := b - 1c := bb - 1

where c is a simple global byte variable (e.g. global c byte.)

4.1.2 Array bind Declaration

An array bind declaration has the following form:

bind new_name = array_name [ constant_expression ]


is the new symbol name,
is a previously defined register_array or global array, and
is a constant expression.

After an array bind declaration, the new variable is equivalent to the specified array location.

For example:

    global state[12] array[byte]
    bind command = state[0]
    bind temporary = state[1]
    bind last = state[11]					

defines a bunch of variables that live in an array of bytes. The following statements are equivalent:

state[0] := 17command := 17
state[1] := 17command := 17
state[11] := 17last := 17
c := state[0] + 1c := command + 1
c := state[1] - 1c := temporary - 1
c := state[11] & 1c := last & 1

where c is a simple global byte variable (e.g. global c byte.)

4.1.3 Bit bind Declaration

The bit bind declaration has the following form:

bind new_name = old_name @ constant_expression


is the new symbol name,
is a previously defined register or global variable, and
is a constant expression that evaluates to a value between 0 and 7.

A new variable called new_name is defined that is equivalent to the specified bit expression.

For example,

    register $intcon 0xb
    bind $gie $intcon @ 7
    bind $eeie $intcon @ 6
    bind $t0ie $intcon @ 5
    bind $inte $intcon @ 4
    bind $rbie $intcon @ 3
    bind $t0if $intcon @ 2
    bind $intf $intcon @ 1
    bind $rbif $intcon @ 0					

defines the various interrrupt enable bits for the $intcon register for the PIC16F84. For example the following statements are equivalent

$intcon@7 := 1$gie := 1
$intcon@4 := 0$inte := 0
$intcon@1 := 0$intf := 0

4.2 code_bank Declaration

The code_bank declaration has the follow form:

code_bank constant_expression


is an constant expression that evaluates to a valid code bank (typically between 0 and 3.)

This declaration specifies that until further notice, all procedure declarations are to be located in the specified code bank.

For example,

    code_bank 0
    procedure interrupt

    code_bank 3
    procedure main

causes the procedure named interrupt to be placed into code bank 0 and the procedure named main to be placed into code bank 3.

4.3 configure Declaration

The form of the configure declaration is as follows:

configure option_name = option_value , ...


is a valid configuration word option name,
is a valid value for the specified configuration option.

This declaration is used to specify the various configuration options required to set up the microcontroller configuration word (or words.)

For example, the configure declarations below set up the configuration options for a PIC16F767:

    configure cp=off, cpmx=rc1, debug=off, borv=borv00, boren=off
    configure mclre=off, pwrte=off, wdte=off, fosc=hs
    configure borsen=off, ieso=off, fcmen=off			

Note that configuration options can be changed. Thus, the initial default configuration options can be defined in a library file and the main program can subsequently override them. The options in effect at the end the program are the ones that are actually output to the final output file.

The valid configuration options are listed under the processor declaration. Thus, all configure declarations must occur after the processor declaration.

4.4 constant Declaration

The constant declaration has the following form:

constant new_name = constant_expression


is the name of the constant, and
is a expression that evaulates to a constant value.

Some example constant declarations are shown below:

    constant crystal_speed = 20000000
    constant instructions_per_second = crystal_speed / 4
    constant prefix = "Hello "
    constant george = prefix ~ "George"
    constant alice = prefix ~ "Alice"
    constant bottom = -$u2i(8)
    constant pi = 3.14151926
    constant pi2 = pi / 2.0					

note that the constants can be either numerical or string (i.e. string concatenation.)

The constant declarations are evaluated in sequence. No forward references to constants that are defined later on are permitted.

4.5 data_bank Declaration

The data_bank declarations has the following form:

bank constant_expression


is the register bank to select.

Some microcontrollers have more than one bank of memory (e.g. the PIC1687x). The data_bank declaration is used to select which memory bank to allocate subsequent variables from.

The programmer is responsible for ensuring that the memory within a given bank are not exhausted. The compiler will generate an error message if the number of registers within a given bank are exhausted.

The compiler is responsible for generating the additional data bank select instructions for accessing variables that located in various different memory banks.

4.6 debug Declaration

The debug declaration has the following form:

debug procedure_name , ...


is the name of a procedure.

The declaration declares the procedures for which additional debugging code will be inserted. Each procedure listed in a debug declaration can support break points when being used by the µCL integrated programming environment.

4.7 icd2 Declaration

The form of the icd2 declaration is as follows:


This declaration tells the compiler to use the various configurations needed for Microchip In Circuit Debugger 2. Obviously, this declaration is extremely specific to the microchip product line.

4.8 icd2_configure Declaration

The form of the icd2_configure declaration is as follows:

icd2_configure option_name = option_value , ...


is a valid configuration word option name,
is a valid value for the specified configuration option.

This declaration is used to specify the various configuration options required to set up the microcontroller configuration word (or words) for the Microchip ICD2. This declaration is very specific to the Microchip product line.

For example, the ICD2 configure declarations below set up the configuration options for a PIC16F767:

    icd2_configure cp=off, cpmx=rc1, debug=on, borv=borv00, boren=off
    icd2_configure mclre=off, pwrte=off, wdte=off, fosc=hs
    icd2_configure borsen=off, ieso=off, fcmen=off		

{Note: Fix compiler to use this declaration.}

4.9 global Declaration

There are two related forms for the global declaration:

Simple global Declaration
This declares a simple global variable
Array global Declaration
This declares a global array.

The defined global variable is accessible from all procedures.

4.9.1 Simple global Declaration

A simple global declaration has the following form:

global variable_name variable_type


is the name of the new global variable, and
is the type of the new global variable.

For example,

    global trace bit
    global command byte


    procecdure main

	if trace
	    call $uart_byte_print(command)
	    trace := 0						

shows the definition of two global variables, trace and command, where the first is of type bit and the second is of tyhpe byte. Later on in the procedure main, both trace and command are accessed.

4.9.2 Array global Declaration

The array global declaration has the following form:

global array_name [ size_expression ] array [ simple_type ]


is the variable name for the global array,
is an expression that evaluates to a constant that specifies the array size, and
is the type of each element in the global array. Currently, only byte is allowed.

The defined global variable is an array that is accessable from all procedures.

For example,

    global buffer[16] array[byte]
    global buffer_in byte


    procecdure main

	variable datum byte


	buffer_in := buffer_in & 0xf
	buffer[buffer_in] := datum

shows the definition of the global variable buffer which is an array of 16 bytes. Later on in the main procedure, datum is stored into buffer.

4.10 library Declaration

The library declaration has the following form:

library library_name


is the name of the library to use with the program.

All of the declarations from the library file are included into the main program.

A library named my_library will have a file name of my_library.ucl. A library file can reside in either the µCL system directory/folder, or in the directory/folder that contains the main program. If a file with the same name resides in both directories/folders, the compiler will complain about the ambiguity and refuse to load either one. {Actually, I've been burned by this several times, and I need to add the test!}

When it comes to constant declarations that reside in an µCL library, care must be taken to ensure that there are no forward references. Thus, if constant1 is defined in library1 and constant2 is defined using constant1 in library2, library1 must be referenced before library2.

    # In library1.ucl:
    constant constant1 = 1

    # In library2.ucl:
    constant constant2 = constant1 * 3

    # In main.ucl:
    library library1	# Defines constant1
    library library2	# Defines constant2			

By convention, library names that start with a dollar sign ('$') are system libraries and library names that do not start with a '$' are user supplied libraries. By convention, system libraries should only define symbols with a dollar sign in them in order to avoid conflicts with user supplied symbols.

Some example code using the library declarations is shown below:

    library $pic16f767	# System definitions for PIC16F767
    library navigate	# User navigation package		

The library $pic16f767 contains a whole slew of constant and bind declarations that declare symbols that start with a `$'. The librarynavigate is a user library where symbols start with the letters 'a' through 'z'.

Libraries can recursively reference other libraries. Thus, the library $pic16f767 loads the library $pic16f7x7 .

The compiler will only load a library once. If a library is referenced a second time, the compiler silently ignores the second load request. For those of you who know what the word idempotent means, µCL libraries are idempotent.

µCL libraries can contain procedure declarations. The compiler delays producing code for these loaded procedures until after it has produced code for the main procedures. The library_bank declaration allow you to load libraries into different code banks.

4.11 library_bank Declaration

The library_bank declaration has the following form:

library_bank bank_expression


is an expression that evaluates to a constant, typically between 0 and 3 inclusive.

This declaration specifies that any procedures loaded from a library will be loaded into the bank_expression code bank.

For example,

    library_bank 2
    library $float32
    library_bank 3
    library $trig						

4.12 origin Declaration

The origin declaration has the following form:

origin constant_expression


is the a constant expression that specifies where subsequently generated code is to be placed.

The origin declaration is used to retarget code placement.

For microcontrollers that have the concept of code banks (e.g. the PIC1687x), the origin declaration uses the high order bits of the origin to implicitly set the code bank. It is up to the programmer to manage the placement of procedures within code banks using the origin declaration. The compiler will generate an error if the procedures within a given code bank spill over into another code bank.

The compiler is responsible for generating the appropriate additional instructions for placing calls from procedures in one code bank to procedures in a different code bank.

4.13 package Declaration

The package declaration has the following form:

package name


is the name of the desired package, and
is an indented list of pin declarations.

The package declaration selects which integrated circuit package is being used for a particular microcontroller project. The subsequent nested pin declarations further identify how the various pins on the microcontroller are being used. Using this information, the compiler generates the appropriate initialization code for specified pin usages.

Many microcontrollers are supplied more than one package (e.g. DIP, SOIC, SSOP, etc.) For example, the PIC16F87 comes in an 18-pin dual in-line package (DIP), an 18-pin small outline integrated circuit (SOIC), a 20-pin small shrink outline package (SSOP), and a 28-pin quad flat no leads package (QFN). When you select a particular package for your project, the package declaration helps capture the relevant information about how the package is being used.

4.13.1 pin Declaration

The pin declarations has the following form:

pin pin_number = pin_usage , new_name = usage , ...


is the decimal pin number being selected,
is the pin usage,
is a new variable or constant, and
is one of name, bit, or mask .

Everything up to the first comma is required; everthing from the comma onwards is optional. The pin_number and pin_usage must match the corresponding information in the processor declaration. If they do not match, the compiler generates a fatal error.

The table below summarizes what happens for name, bit, and mask binding:

pin SyntaxIs Equivalent To
new_name = name bind new_name = port_name @ bit_number
new_name = bit constant new_name = bit_number
new_name = mask constant new_name = 1 << bit_number

4.13.2 package Example

The example below shows an example of a package declaration:

    library $pic16f676

    package pdip
	pin 1 = power_supply
	pin 2 = clkin
	pin 3 = an3
	pin 4 = mclr
	pin 5 = rc5_out, name=coil0a, mask=coil0a_mask
	pin 6 = rc4_out, name=coil0b, mask=coil0b_mask
	pin 7 = rc3_out, name=coil1a, mask=coil1a_mask
	pin 8 = rc2_out, name=coil1b, mask=coil1b_mask
	pin 9 = rc1_in, name=step
	pin 10 = rc0_in, name=dir
	pin 11 = ra2_in, name=mode
	pin 12 = ra1_in
	pin 13 = an0
	pin 14 = ground						

In this example, the microcontroller being used is the PIC16F676. The processor declaration is in the $pic16f676 library. The 14-pin plastic DIP (pdip) package is being used for this particular project. Pin 1 and 14 are used for the power supply and ground respectively. Pin 2 is used as an oscillator input and pin 4 is used for master clear. Pins 5 through 8 are used as digital outputs on port C bits 2 through 5. Pins 9 through 12 are digital inputs on port C bits 0 and 1 and port A bits 1 and 2. Pin 3 and 13 are analog inputs for A/D selects of 0 and 3. All of the digital I/O pins are given names (i.e. coil0a, coil0b , coil1a, coil1b, step, dir , and mode.) The digital output pins also have bit masks defined (i.e. coil0a_mask, coil0b_mask, coil1a_mask, coil1b_mask.) As you can see, there is quite a bit of documentation about the project embedded into the package declaration.

4.14 processor Declaration

The package declaration has the following form:

processor name


is the processor name, and
is an indented list of processor declarations.

The processor_declarations are listed in alphabetical order in the sections that follow.

4.14.1 code_bank Declaration

The code_bank declaration has the following format:

code_bank start_address : start_address


is the address of the first instruction location in the code bank, and
is the address of the last instruction location in the code bank.

This declaration specifies the starting address and ending address of one code bank for the processor. For the PIC16 series of processors, most code banks are 2K words in size.

4.14.2 configure_address Declaration

The configure_address declaration has the following format:

configure_address address_expression


is a constant expression that specifies the address in the Intel Hex file at which the configuration word is located.

The address specified by this declaration is used by all following configure_fill and configure_option declarations.

A configure_address declaration can occur more than once. Each configure_address declaration remains in effect until superceeded by the next configure_address declaration. Multiple configure_address declarations are only needed for microcontrollers that have more than one configuration word (e.g. the PIC16F7x7 series.)

4.14.3 configure_fill Declaration

The configure_fill declaration has the following format:

configure_fill fill_mask_expression


is a constant expression of a value that is always OR'ed into the current configuration word.

This declaration is used to set one or bits of the current configuration word to a 1.

4.14.4 configure_option Declaration

The configure_option declaration has the following format:

configure_option field_name : option_name = option_value


is the name of the configuration word field that is being specified,
is the name of the configuration selection, and
is a constant expression that specifies what bits to OR into the configuration word if selected.

Each configuration_option specifies a possible value for a configuration word field. The configure declaration is used to set up the configuration word (or words) for project.

4.14.5 data_bank Declaration

The data_bank declaration has the following format:

data_bank start_address : end_address


is the address of the first memory address in the data bank, and
is the address of the last memory address in the data bank.

This declration specifies the first and last addresses of a processor data bank. For the PIC16 series of microcontrollers, data banks are typically 128 bytes in size.

4.14.6 global_region Declaration

The global_region declaration has the following format:

global_region start_address : end_address


is the address of the first memory address of a global memory region, and
is the address of the last memory address of the same global memory region.

The compiler uses a global region to allocate variables from (i.e. global variables, procedure arguments, local varaibles, temporary variables, etc.)

4.14.7 icd2_global_region Declaration

The icd2_global_region declaration has the following format:

icd2_global_region start_address : end_address


is the address of the first memory address of a global memory region, and
is the address of the last memory address of the same global memory region.

The compiler uses a global region to allocate variables from (i.e. global variables, procedure arguments, local varaibles, temporary variables, etc.) When the In Circuit Debugger 2 is enabled, this global region is used for allocation instead.

4.14.8 icd2_shared_region Declaration

The icd2_shared_region declaration has the following format:

icd2_shared_region start_address : end_address


is the address of the first memory location where is sharable across multiple data memory banks, and
is the address of the last memory location where is sharable across multiple data memory banks.

This declaration identifies a region of shared variables to be used when the In Circuit Debugger 2 (ICD2) is enabled.

4.14.9 interrupts_possible Declaration

The interrupts_possible declaration has the following format:


When this declaration is present, it specifies that interrupts are supported by the microntroller. Thus, an interrupt procedure named interrupt is allowed.

4.14.10 osccal_at_address Declaration

The osccal_at_address declaration has the following format:

osccal_at_address address_expression


is the address address at which the oscillator callibration RETLW instruction is located.

Some of the PIC16 microcontrollers store an osscillator callibration value in program memory as a RETLW instruction. This declaration informs the compiler that the currently defined processor does this and where in program memory the RETLW instruction is located.

4.14.11 osccal_in_w Declaration

The osccal_in_w declaration has the following format:


When this declaration is present, it specifies that the oscillator callibration value is loaded into the W register at the beginning of processor start up. The compiler will take this value and stuff it into the appropriate oscillator callibration register.

4.14.12 osccal_register_symbol Declaration

The osccal_register_symbol declaration has the following format:

osccal_register_symbol osccal_register_name


is the name of the oscillator callibration register.

The compiler uses this register name when generating code for the osccal_in_w or oscal_at_address declaration.

4.14.13 packages Declaration

The packages declaration has the following format:

packages package_name = number_of_pins , ...


is the name of a package, and
is the number of pins on the package.

4.14.14 pin Declaration

The pin declaration has the following format:

pin pin_usage , ...


is the name an acceptable pin usage for the pin, and
is an indented list of pin declarations.

The various pin_declarations are listed alphabetically in the sections below. bind_to Declaration

The bind_to declaration has the following form:

bind_to port_name @ bit_number


is the name of the port associated with the pin, and
is the bit number in the port associated with the pin. or_if Declaration

The or_if declaration has the following form:

or_if pin_usage register_name or_value


is one of the pin usage names listed by the pin declaration one level up,
is a register name to OR an initalization value into, and
is the value that is value that is OR'ed in. pin_bindings Declaration

The pin_bindings declaration has the following form:

pin_bindings package_name = pin_number , ...


is a valid package name, and
is the pin number assoicated with the pin for the specified package.

{more goes here}

4.14.15 shared_region Declaration

The shared_region declaration has the following format:

shared_region start_address : end_address


is the address of the first memory location where is sharable across multiple data memory banks, and
is the address of the last memory location where is sharable across multiple data memory banks.

4.14.16 processor Example

An example processor declaration for the 8-pin PIC12C675 is shown below:

    processor pic12f675						

The name of the processor, pic12f675, immediately follows processor.

	configure_address                     0x2007
	configure_fill                           0x0		

Next, the configuration word is declared. There is one configuration word that is at address 0x2007 as specified by the configuration_address declaration. The configuration word has 8 fields starting with bg through fosc. While 3 bits of the configuration word are unimplemented, the microcontroller specification sheet says that they should be written as zeros; thus, configuration_fill is set to 0.

	configure_option    bg:     bg11 =    0x3000
	configure_option    bg:     bg10 =    0x2000
	configure_option    bg:     bg01 =    0x1000
	configure_option    bg:     bg00 =    0x0000
	configure_option    cpd:    on =       0x000
	configure_option    cpd:    off =      0x100		

Only 2 fields are shown to keep the example size down. The bg field has four possible values of bg11, bg10, bg01, and bg00 with configuration word mask values of 0x3000, 0x2000, 0x1000, and 0 respectively. The cpd field has two possible values of on and off with values of 0x000 and 0x100 respectively.

        code_bank 0x0 : 0x3ff					

There is one code bank of 1024 (0x400) words in size.

        data_bank 0x0 : 0x7f
        data_bank 0x80 : 0xff					

There are two data banks, where the first data bank is from 0 through 0x7f and the other is from 0x80 through 0xff.

        shared_region 0x20 : 0x5f				

This microcontroller is a little strange because all of its memory is accessible from both data banks. Thus, there are no global_region declarations.


This microcontorller supports interrupts.

        osccal_register_symbol $osccal
        osccal_at_address 0x3ff					

The oscillator callibration value is stored as a RETLW instruction at program memory address 0x3ff as spciffied by the osccal_at_address. The register that contains the oscillator callibration value is $osccal as specified by the osccal_register_symbol declaration.

        packages pdip=8, soic=8, dfn_s=8			

This microcontroller comes in 3 different packages -- pdip , soic, and dfn_s. All three packages have 8 pins each.

        pin vdd, power_supply
            pin_bindings pdip=1, soic=1, dfn_s=1		

The power supply pin is called either vdd or power_supply. It is located on pin 1 for all three packages as is listed in the pin_bindings declaration.

        pin gp5_in, gp5_out, t1cki, osc1, clkin, gp5_unused
            pin_bindings pdip=2, soic=2, dfn_s=2
            bind_to $gpio@5
            or_if gp5_in $trisio 16
            or_if gp5_out $trisio 0
            or_if t1cki $trisio 16
            or_if osc1 $trisio 16
            or_if clkin $trisio 16
            or_if gp5_unused $trisio 16				

The GP5 pin can be called gp5_in, gp5_out, t1cki, osc1, clkin, or gp5_unsused. The pin_bindings declaration binds these names to pin 2 on all three packages. When used as a digital input or output, the pin is connected to bit 5 of the $gpio register as specified by the bind_to declaration. The six or_if declarations specify what value to OR into the $trisio register depending upon how the pin is used. In general, by setting the $trisio bit 5 to a 1, sets it as an input. Only when gp5_out is specified, does the $trisio bit 5 get set to 0.

As you can see there a a lot of information to specify for each new microcontroller, but once it is specified, the end-user does not need to be worry about it.

4.15 register Declaration

The register declaration has the following form:

register name = address , ...


is the name of the register, and
is a memory address that accesses the register. There can be multiple addresses for those registers that accessible from different data memory banks.

An example of some register delcarations is listed below:

    register $indf = 0, 0x80					

The $indf register is accessible from both data memory banks at address 0 and 0x80.

    register $tmr0 = 1						

The $tmr0 register is accessible from the first memory bank at address 1.

    register $pcl = 2, 0x82

    register $status = 3, 0x83					

Both the $pcl and $status registers are accessible from both memory banks.

4.16 register_array Declaration

The register_array declaration has the following form:

register_array name start_address size_expression


is the name of the register array,
is a constant expression that evaluates to the address of the first register, and
is a constant expression that specifies how many registers are in the array.

The register_array specifies an array of bytes at specific address for a specific size. Frankly, it is kind of a hack and I need to figure out a better way of accomplishing the task.

4.17 string Declaration

The string declaration has the following form:

string strings_name = string_expression


is a name of the string, and
is the value of the string.

This declaration defines a global string that can accessed from any procedure.

The following example shows a string declaration and some code that access the string:

    string hello = "Hello world!\cr,lf\"

    procedure main
	local index byte

	index := 0
	loop_exactly hello.size
	    call $uart_byte_put(hello[index])
	    index := index + 1

The string hello is declared to have a value of "Helloworld!\cr,lf\" in the string declaration. Later on, the code prints out the string value using a loop_exactly loop. The size of the string is accessed via hello.size. Individual characters are accessed via hello[index].

4.18 ucl Declaration

The ucl declaration has the following form:

ucl major . minor


is the µCL major version number, and
is the µCL minor version number.

5 procedure Declaration

The procedure declaration has the following form:

procedure name


is the procedure name,
is either an arugments_none declaration or one or more argument declarations,
is either a returns declaration, or returns_nothing declaration,
is an optiona exact_delay declaration,
is one or more local variable declarations, and
is one or more statement declarations.

Everything after the first line is indented by one level.

There are currently two special procedure names -- main and interrupt. The main procedure is the where program execution starts. The compiler places register initialization code into the beginning of the main procedure. The interrupt procedure is called each time an interrupt occurs. The compiler adds code to save and restore both the W and status registers for the interrupt procedcure. {Eventually, it will save and restore the FSR register as well.}

5.1 argument Declaration

The argument declaration has the following form:

argument name type


is the argument name, and
is the argument type -- currently one of bit or byte.

There is one argument declaration for each procedure argument passed in.

5.2 arguments_none Declaration

The arguments_none declaration has the following form:


This specifies that the procedure has no arguments.

5.3 exact_delay Declartion

The exact_delay declaration has the following form:

exact_delay cycles_expression


is the exact number of processor that the procedure should take.

This declaration that takes exactly cycles_expression cycles to execute. This means that conditional code generated for `if', `and `||' will be padded with NOP instructions to ensure that each path taken through the code takes exactly the same number of instruction cycles.

5.4 local Declaration

The local declartion has two possible forms:

Simple local Declaration
This form defines a simple local variable. Currently, on type of bit and byte are supported.
Array local Declaration
This form define a local array variable. Currently, only an array of bytes is supported.

5.4.1 Simple local Declaration

The simple local declaration has the following form:

local name type


is the local variable name, and
is the local variable type -- currently one of bit or byte.

All local declaration defines a variable that is local to the procedure body. It is not possible for one procedure to directly access the local variables of another procedure. There are no nested variables in this language.

5.4.2 Array local Declaration

The array local declaration has the following form:

local name [ size_expression ] array [ type ]


is the local array variable name,
is the array size, and
is the type of each array element. Currently, only of byte is supported.

All `variable' statements defines a variable that is local to the procedure body. It is not possible for one procedure to directly access the local variables of another procedure. There are no nested variables in this language. A variable that occures deep within a some nested statements is accessible through out the entire procedure.

5.5 returns Statement

The returns declaration has the following form:

returns type , ...


is the type for each returned value.

This declaration lists one or more return types. Unlike most other programming languages, µCL allows for the return of more than one value from a procedure call.

5.6 returns_nothing Declaration

The returns_nothing declaration has the following form:


This declaration specifies that the procedure returns no values.

6 Statements

Statements can only occur within the body of procedure declaration. The various statements are listed alphabetically below.

6.1 assemble Statement

The assemble statement has the following form:



is a list of assembly statements to insert into the code.

The assembly lines have one of the following forms:

opcodeInstruction with no operands
opcode operandInstruction with one operand
opcode operand1, operand2Instruction with two operands
:labelLabel definition (note that : is before label name)
define name = expression Constant definition

The following instruction opcodes are currently supported:

addlwkADD k to WW := W + k
addwff, dAdd W and fW|f := W + f
andlwkAND k to WW := W & k
andwff,dAND W and fW|f := W & f
bcff, bBit clear ff@b := 0
bsff, bBit set ff@b := 1
btfscf, bBit test f, skip if clearif !f@b then skip
btfssf, bBit test f, skip if setif f@b then skip
callaCall subroutine at acall a()
clrffClear ff := 0
clrwdtClear watchdog timer
clrwfClear WW := 0
comff dComplement fW|f := ~f
decff, dDecrement fW|f := f - 1
decfszf dDecrement f, skip if 0W|f := f - 1; if W|f = 0 then skip
goto aaGo to address agoto a
incff, dIncrement fW|f := f + 1
incfszf, dIncrement f, skip if 0W|f := f + 1; if W|f = 0 then skip
iorwff, dInclusive OR W and fW|f := W | f
iorlwkInclusive k to WW := W | k
movff, dMove fW|f := f
movwffMove W to ff := W
movlwkMove k to WW := k
nopNo Operation
optionOption instruction
retfieReturn from interrupt
retlwkReturn from subroutine with k in W W := k ; return
returnReturn from subroutinereturn
rlff, dRotate left through carry
rrff, dRotate right through carry
sleepEnter low power mode
sublwkSubtract W from kW := k - W
subwff, dSubtract W from fW|f := f - W
swapwff, dSwap nibbles in fW|f := ((f & 0xf) << 4) | ((f >> 4) & 0xf)
xorwff, dExclusive OR W and fW|f := W ^ f
xorlwkExclusive OR k to WW := W ^ k

The example below shows the assemble statement in action:

    procedure left_rotate
	argument value byte

	# This procedure will return the value of
	# rotation value to the left by 8 bits.

	# {value} is sitting in W:
	$c := value@7
	    rlf left_rotate__value, w

This procedure will take an 8-bit byte value and rotate it left in 8-bits. The first statement will set the carry bit ($c) to the the high order bit of value. The assemble statement executes an RLF instruction. The full name of the argument is the procedure name left_rotate, followed by two underscores __, followed by the argument name value , resulting in left_rotate__value. The result is in the W register, so a simple RETURN instruction ends the procedure.

6.2 Assignment Statement

The assignment statement has two possible forms:

Simple Assignment
Simple assignment takes the result of an expression and assigns it to a variable.
Multiple Assignment
Multiple assignme takes several results from an expression and assigns it to two or more variables.

The assignment statement is unique in that it is the only statement that does not start off with keyword. Instead, the parser prescans the line and if it encounters an assignment operator (:=), it assumes the entire statement is an assignment statement.

6.2.1 Simple Assignment Statement

The simple assignement statement has the form:

variable := expression


is either a simple variable or an array variable (e.g. array_name[index_expression]), and
is an evaluated expression that is assigned into variable.

6.2.2 Multiple Assignment Statement

The multiple assignement statement has the form:

variable1 , ... , variablen := multiple_expression


is either a simple variable or an array variable (e.g. array_name[index_expression]), and
is an evaluated expression that that has multiple values.

The type of the variables and expressions must match up.

The following example shows a simple multiple assignment:

    procedure main
	local a byte
	local b byte

	# Swap A and B:
	a, b := b, a						

Another example is shown below:

    procedure $uart_byte_read
	argurment usec_wait byte
	returns bit, byte

	while ...
	    value := ...
	    # No time out:
	    return 0, value
	# Time out:
	return 1, 0

    procedure main
	local command byte
	local time_out bit

	time_out, command := $uart_byte_read(100)
	if time_out

For this code fragment, there is a procedure called $uart_byte_read that takes a single argument usec_wait that specifies the maximum wait time for read a byte form the UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter). If a byte is recevied before the time out period has elapsed, the time out bit is returned a 0 and the UART value is returned as they byte value. Otherwise, a time out has occured and the time out bit is returned as a 1 and the value is returned as 0. Later on in the main procedure, $uart_byte_read is invoked and its two return values are assigned to the local variables time_out and command via a multiple assignment.

6.3 call Statement

The call statement has the following form:

call procedure_name ( argument_expressions )


is the name of the procedure to be called, and
is a list of zero, one, or more expressions to be evaulated and passed as arguments to the procedure.

The number and type of each argument expressions must match the procedure types.

The call statement is used to call procedures that have no return values (i.e. returns_nothing). In addition, the call statement can be used to invoke a procedure that returns values, but where the return values are not needed.

6.4 delay Statement

The delay statement has the following form:

delay expression


is a constant expression that specifies the exact number of instruction cycles to be to be executed, and
is a nested sequence statements that are executed. Each statement in statements is compiled to have uniform execution time. Conditional code, like `if', `and `||', is padded with nop instructions to cause the excution time to be uniform.

Each procedure called in statements must have a exact_delay declartion in its procedure declaration.

The example below delays for 50 µSec

    # 5 cycles per microsecond
    constant usec = 5

    procedure main

	# Delay for 50 usec:
	delay 50 * usec

6.5 delay_set Statement

The delay_set statement has the following form:

delay_set expression


is a constant expression that sets the delay value that the compiler will use for the nested statements, and
is a nested sequence of statements.

This statement is used to tell the compiler exactly how many cycles a give chunk of code is supposed to take.

6.6 do_nothing Statement

The do_nothing statement has the following form:


In fact, this statement does not do anything.

6.7 if Statement

The if statement has the following form:

if bit_expression
else_if bit_expression


is an expression that evaluates to a bit value, and
is a nested sequence of statements to be executed if bit_expression evaluates to 1 (i.e. true.)

There can be zero, one or more else_if clauses. The else clause is optional. The first if clause and its nested statement block is required.

At most, only one nested statement block is executed. The first bit_expression that evaluates to 1 (i.e. true) causes the associated statement block to be executed. If none of the bit_expression's evaluate to 1, the else clause statement block is executed (if present.)

6.8 loop_exactly Statement

The loop_exactly statement has the following form:

loop_exactly expression


is the number of times the expression is executed, and
is the nested statement block that is executed each iteration through the loop.

Note that expression must evaluate to a non-zero value. {This is a bogus restriction and needs to be fixed.}

6.9 loop_forever Statement

The loop_forever statement has the following form:



is a nested statement block that is continuosly executed.

For embedded applications, the main procedure typically has a loop_forever statement, since it never makes sense to return from main.

6.10 return Statement

The return statement has the following form:

return expression , ...


is an expression that is evaluated and returned from the procedure.

The number and type of expressions in the return statement must match the types in the returns clause for the enclosing procedure declaration. If the procedure declaration has a returns_nothing clause, the return statement must not have any expression.

6.11 switch Statement

The switch statement has the following form:

switch switch_expression
=> case_maximum maximum_expression
case case_expression 1
case case_expression N


is an expression is used to steer the switch,
is a constant expression that specifies the maximum possible value of switch_expression,
is a constant expression, and
is a nested statements block.

The switch_body consists of a sequence of one or more case_clause's, followed by an optional default_clause. The expression is evaluated and control is transfered to one of the clauses. Only case_clause's, a default_clause, comments and blank lines can occur inside of switch_body.

An example switch statement is shown below:

    switch command >> 5
      case_maximum 7
      case 0
	# First command:
      case 1, 2
	# Second and third commands:
      case 3
	# Forth command:
	# All other commands are undefined:

6.12 watch_dog_reset Statement

The watch_dog_reset statement has the following form:


This statement generates the code to reset a watch dog timer in a microcontroller.

6.13 while Statement

The while statement has the following form:

while while_expression


is an expression the returns a bit value,
is the indented statemenst for the while loop.

This statement will evaluate while_expression and if it evaluates to 1 (i.e. true) it will execute the indented statement block statements. It will do this repeatabley until while_expression evaluates to 0 (i.e. false.)

7 Expressions

Expressions in µCL are modeled after expressions in ANSI-C. There are a few differences between µCL expressions and C expressions.

7.1 Differences from C Expressions

If you do not know C-expressions, you should probably skip reading this section.

The differences from C-expressions itemized below:

7.2 What is Precedence?

This section is for reference purposes for those people who are not familiar with the concept of operator precedence.

In regular arithmetic expressions like `1 + 2 × 3 - 4 ×5 + 6', the `operator has a higher precedence than the `+' and `-' operator. Thus, multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction. This can be made more explicit by adding parenthesis as follows -- `1 + (2 × 3) - (4 ×5) + 6'. In many programming languages, there are usually a couple of dozen operators and each of them have different precedences.

As usual, parenthesis are used to change the order operation execution. Thus, `(1 + 2) × (3 - 4) ×(5 + 6)' causes the addition and subtraction to occur before the multiplication.

The sections below list operators in µCL expressions from lowest procedence to highest prcedence. The lowest precedence operators are performed after all higher precedence operators have been done.

7.3 Assignment Operator (:= )

The assigment operator is:

Straight assignment (L := R)

µCL supports multiple assignment. In mulitple assignment, a list of expressions to the right are assigned to a list of variables on the left. All of the expressions to the right are evaluated and stored in temporary varaibles before any of the assignments take place. The example below will swap the contents of the `a' and `b' variables:

    a, b := b, a						

which is equivalent to:

    T1 := b
    T2 := a
    a := T1
    b := T2							

where T1 and T2 are temporaries.

Another form of multiple assignment occurs when a procedure returns more than on value. An example should help clarify this. Let us assume that the procedure plus_minus(a, b) returns a+b and a-b. This procedure would be written as follows:

    procedure plus_minus
	argument a byte
	argument b byte
	returns byte byte

	return a + b, a - b					

and we can invoke `plus_minus' as follows:

    a_plus_b, a_minus_b := plus_minus(a, b)			

The first value returned from plus_minus is a+b and it is assigned to the variable a_plus_b. The second value returned from plus_minus is a-b and it is assigned to the variable a_minus_b.

7.4 Comma Operator (,)

The comma operator , does not perform any computation per se. All it does is cause other expressions of higher precedence to be executed in left-to-right order. It is used to separate variables and expressions in multiple assignment statements (e.g. a, b := b, a) and it is used to separate the arguments passed to procedures.

A lot of C programmers have programmed in C for years without realizing that in C most implementations use right-to-left order of execution. The C language specification does not mandate either left-to-right or right-to-left execution order. However, the first implementations of C pretty uniformly implemented right-to-left execution in order to support variadic (i.e. many variables) functions like `printf'. Pretty much all subsequent C implementations after that have followed the same rule. The order of execution only crops up when the expressions involve side effects. For example, in C:

    (void)printf("first:%d second:%d\n", get_byte(), get_byte()) 

does not do what most people think it does. The first call to `get_byte' is the right-most one followed by the left-most one. Thus, in the example above, the first byte that is read is actually printed as the decimal number next to `second' and vice verce. This is probably not what the C programmer had in mind.

In µCL, execution order is always left-to-right and there are no suprises like there are in C.

7.5 Conditional OR (||)

The expresion L || R returns 1 if either L or R evaluate to 1 It is a conditional OR because it will not execute R if L returns a 1.

Consider the code fragment below:

    if (denominator = 0 || numerator/denominator = 0) {
	# ...

In this example, it would erroneous to divide the numerator by zero, so we can check for zero beforehand and only if it is non-zero does the division take place.

If it is desirable to always execute the left and the right side before computing the OR, the bitwise OR (|) operator can be used.

7.6 Conditional AND (&&)

The expresson L && R returns 1 if both L and R evaluate to 1. It is a conditional AND because, it will not bother to execute R if L returns a 0. Consider the code fragment below:

    if (denominator != 0 && numerator/denominator > 0) {
	# ...

In this example, it would erroneous to divide the numerator by zero, so we can check for zero beforehand and only if it is non-zero does the division take place.

If it is desirable to always execute the left and the right side before computing the AND, the bitwise AND (`&') operator can be used.

The precedence of `&&' is higher than `||'. Thus,

    A && B || C && D				

would be executed as

    (A && B) || (C && D)			

As usual, it never really hurts to add parentheses to improve readability.

7.7 Relational Operators and Bit Selection (<, =, > , <=, !=, >=, @)

There is one bit selection operator and six relational operators:

L @ N
The N'th bit of L.
L < R
L less than R
L = R
L equal to R
L > R
L greater than R
L <= R
L less than or equal to R
L != R
L not equal to R
L greater than or equal to R

The equality operators (= and !=) work for operands of type byte and bit and all the other opertators (<, >, <=, >=, and @) only work for operands of type `byte'.

NOTE: bit equals and not-equals is not imlemented yet. The work around is quite ugly -- A && B || !A && !B for equality and A && !B || !A && B for inequality.

It is not permissible to stick an extra space between any of the two character relational operators (<=, !=, and >=).

The bit selection operator is not present in C and is unique to µCL. A @ N is the N'th bit of A . Both A and N must be of type byte. The result is of type bit. A@0 selects the least significant of A. B@7 selects the most significant bit of B.

NOTE: Currently, the right operator of bit selection must be a constant. A reasonable work around would be A & 1 << N != 0 which is grouped as (A & (1 << N)) != 0; unfortunately, 1<<N where N is not a constant is also unimplemented. Sigh.

C programmers should note that the equality operator consists of a single = not the double == used in C.

In C, the char type usually stands for a byte. The ANSI-C standard allows char to be either signed or unsigned. This ambiguity causes all sorts of grief when porting C code between C compilers. There is no such ambiguity in µCL, the byte type is always represents non-negative numbers between 0 and 255 inclusive. Thus, in µCL, 128 is always greater 127 whereas in C (char)128 is sometimes less than (char)127 and sometimes greater.

The precedence of the relation operators is greater than both conditional AND (&&) and conditional OR (||). Thus, the following code fragment

    0c'a' <= c && c <= 0x'z'			

is grouped as

    (0c'a' <= c) && (c <= 0x'z')			

7.8 Addition and Subtraction ( +, -)

The addition operator is + and the subtraction operator is -. These operators are only defined for expressions of type byte. The order of execution is strictly left to right. Thus,

    a + b - c + d						

is evaluated as:

    ((a + b) - c) + d						

Currently, µCL does not implement 16-bit or 32-bit arithmetic. You can use the following work-around:

    variable a_lo byte
    variable a_hi byte
    variable b_lo byte
    variable b_hi byte
    variable c_lo byte
    variable c_hi byte

    c_hi := a_hi + b_hi
    c_lo := a_lo + b_lo
    if $c
	c_hi := c_hi + 1					

The precedence of addition and subtraction is higher than the relational operators. Thus,

    a + b > 20						

is grouped as

    (a + b) > 20						

The more complicated expression

    a + b > 20 && c - d <= e + f			

is grouped as

    ((a + b)  20) && ((c - d) <= (e + f))	

7.9 Multiplication, Division, and Modulo (*, /, and % )

NOTE: Currently, none of these operators are implemented for generated code. It is permissible to use them in constant expressions though.

The multiplication operator is *, the division operator is /, and the modulo operator is %. The modulo operator returns the remainder of a division. These operators are only defined for expressions of type `byte'. The order of execution is strictly left to right. Thus,

    a * b / c * d						

is evaluated as:

    ((a * b) / c) * d						

The precedence of multipliation and division is higher than addition and subtraction. Thus,

    a * b + c / d						

is grouped as

    (a * b) + (c / d)						

The more complicated expression

    a * b + c > 20 && d / e - f < 30		

is grouped as

    (((a * b) + c) > 20) && (((d / e) - f) < 30)	

7.10 Bitwise OR (|)

The expression A | B computes the bitwise OR of A and B. A and B must both be the same type. This operation is defined for both type bit and byte. Execution order is strictly left to right.

NOTE: Currently, bitwise OR of type bit is not implemented. Usually, you can make do with the conditional OR operator (||).

The precedence of bitwise OR is higher than multiplication, division, addition, subtraction and all relational operators.

    a | 1 + b | 2 * c | 3					

is grouped as

    (a | 1) + ((b | 2) * (c | 3))				

The expression

    a | 1 >= b | 2						

is grouped as

    (a | 1) >= (b | 2)						

In C, this expression would group as

    (a | (1 >= b)) | 2						

which is pretty counter-intuitive.

7.11 Bitwise AND (&)

The expression A & B computes the bitwise AND of A and B. A and B must both be the same type. This operation is defined for both type bit and byte. Execution order is strictly left to right.

NOTE: Currently, bitwise AND of type bit is not implemented. Usually, you can make do with the conditional AND operator (&&).

The precedence of bitwise AND is higher than bitwise OR, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction and all relational operators.

    a & 1 | b & 2 | c & 4				

is grouped as

    ((a & 1) | (b & 2)) | (c & 4)			

The expression

    a & 0xf = 0xb						

is grouped as

    (a & 0xf) = 0xb						

In C, this expression would group as

    a & (0xf >= b)					

which is pretty counter-intuitive.

7.12 Bitwise XOR (^)

The expression A ^ B computes the bitwise XOR (eXclusive OR) of A and B. A and B must both be the same type. This operation is defined for both type bit and byte. Execution order is strictly left to right.

NOTE: Currently, bitwise XOR of type bit is not implemented.

Bitwise XOR is used to toggle bits. If you want to complement the third bit in a register, try the following:

    a := a ^ 4							

The precedence of bitwise XOR is higher than bitwise AND, bitwise OR, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction and all relational operators. This means you can twiddle bits, mask them off, the then assemble them together without having to fight the operator precedence. For example,

    a ^ 9 & 0xf | 0xa0					

is grouped as

    ((a ^ 9) & 0xf) | 0xa0					

and toggles the first and forth bits of a, masks off the four high order bits, and sets the fifth and seventh bits.

7.13 Shift Operators (>>, <<)

The shift right operator is >> and the shift left operator is <<. Order of operation is strictly left to right. A << N causes A to be shifted left by N bits with 0 being shifted into the least significant bits. B >> N causes B to be shifted right by N bits with 0 being shifted into the most significant bits. Both the left and right operands the shift operators must be of type byte. Thus, A << 1 is equivalent to efficiently multiplying by 2 and A << 2 is equivalent to multiplying by 4 . Similarly, B >> 1 is equivalent to dividing by 2 and B >> 2 is equivalent to dividing by 4.

NOTE: Currently, the code for shifting by a non-constant expression has not been implemented.

The precedence of the shift operators is greater than the bitwise operators. Thus,

    a >> 4 | a << 4					

is grouped as

    (a >> 4) | (a << 4)				

Incidently, this piece of code results in a value where the nibbles of a have been exchanged.

7.14 Unary Operators (-, !, ~)

There are three unary operators:

- R
Minus R
~ R
Bitwise NOT of R
! R
Logical NOT of R

The minus (-) and bitwise NOT (~byte. The logical NOT operator (!) only works on a operand of type bit

The precedence of the unary operators is higher than all the arithmetic and bit twiddling operators. Thus,

    -a - b							

is grouped as

    (-a) - b							


    ~a & b							

is grouped as

    (~a) & b						

NOTE: Currently, there is a bug in the expression parser such that a & ~b is not properly parsed.

NOTE: I've often thought that logical NOT (!) should have a precedence between && and bit selection ( @). Thus, !A@N would group as !(A@N) rather than (!A)@N. Similarly, I've often thought that that unary minus should have a precedence right above multiplication ( *).

7.15 Array Operator (...[...] )

The array operator looks as follows:

L [ R ]
where L is an expression that evaluates to either a string or a byte array, and R is an expression that evaluates to a byte. When the array operator occurs to the left of an assignment, a byte value is stored into the array; otherwise, a byte value is fetched.

7.16 Dot Operator (L.size)

Currently, the dot operator has only one forms:

Fetch the size of L where L is an expression that evaluates to either a string or byte array.

7.17 Procedure Invocation ( P(...))

Procedure invocation is the act invoking a procedure using its return value (or values) in an expression. P() invokes a procedure P with no arguments, P(A1) inovkes a preocedure with a single argument expression A1, and P(A1, A2) invokes procedure P with argument expressions A1 and A2.

The arguments to the procedure are evaluated in strict left to right order.

It is an error to invoke a procedure that does not return any return value (i.e. returns_nothing) in an expression.

It is legal to invoke a procedure in an expression that returns multiple values, provided the returned values are directly passed on as arguments to another procedure invocation (or a multiple assignment.) For example, assume that swap(a, b) returns b, a . Further assume that p3 is a procedure that takes three arguments. p3(swap(a, b), c) is legal and equivalent to p3(b, a, c).

The precedence of procedure invocation is higher than all other operators.

Copyright (c) 1999-2005 by Wayne C. Gramlich. All rights reserved.