version "1.0"
identify "xyz"
#: Copyright (c) 1995, 2002 by Wayne C. Gramlich.
#, All rights reserved.
#, Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
#, for any purpose is hereby granted without fee provided that the above
#, copyright notice and this permission are retained. The author makes
#, no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.
#, It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
module misc
#: This module implements the miscellaneous functions for SVMS.
#: Miscellaneous procedures:
procedure paragraph_prompt@in_stream
in_stream in_stream
out_stream out_stream
prompt string
result string
#: This procedure will prompt the user for a paragraph of text
#, terminated by a blank line. The text is read from {in_stream
#, appended to {result
}. Each line of text is prompted by outputing
#, {prompt
} to {out_stream
procedure timestamp_append@string
buffer string
date unsigned
#: This procedure will convert "date" into a string of the form
#, 'YYYY/MM/DD@hh:mm:ssGMT' and append it to {buffer
procedure timestamp_lop@string
buffer string
returns unsigned
#: This procedure will return a timestamp read from {buffer
procedure number_append@string
buffer string
number unsigned
#: This procedure will append {number
} to {buffer
} as a decimal number.
procedure unsigned_fixed_append@string
buffer string
number unsigned
width unsigned
#: This procedure will append {number
} out to {buffer
} as {width
#, digit decimal number.
procedure unsigned_fixed_lop@string
buffer string
width unsigned
returns unsigned
#: This procedure will lop a {width
} digit decimal number from {buffer
#, and return it.
procedure log10@unsigned
number unsigned
returns unsigned
#: This routine will return the number of digits needed to represent
#, {number
}; thus, the number 0 on input returns 1.
#, So, 10 is the biggest number that can be returned.