This is the Revision C version of the Tether RoboBrick. The status of this project is work in progress.

Tether Robobrick (Revision B)

Table of Contents

This document is also available as a PDF document.

1. Introduction

The Tether RoboBrick is a RoboBrick that connects a master RoboBrick to a computer via a stanadard 4-wire telephone cord extension.

2. Hardware

The hardware consists of a circuit schematic and a printed circuit board.

2.1 Circuit Schematic

The schematic for the Tether RoboBrick is shown below:

Tether RoboBrick Schematic

The parts list kept in a separate file -- tether.ptl.

2.2 Printed Circuit Board

The printed circuit board files are listed below:

The solder side layer is shown below:
The component side layer is shown below:
The optional artwork layer is shown below:
The RS-274X "Gerber" back (solder side) layer.
The RS-274X "Gerber" top (component side) layer.
The RS-274X "Gerber" artwork layer.
The "Excellon" NC drill file.
The "Excellon" NC drill rack file.

3. Issues

Any fabrication issues are listed here.

Copyright (c) 2000-2002 by Wayne C. Gramlich. All rights reserved.