This is the Revision A version of the LaserHolder1 Module. The status of this project is work in progress.
This document is also available as a PDF document.
The LaserHolder1 module is used to mechanically support a small laser pointer for the Sense3 module. Two of these modules are needed to accomplish the task. Both modules have the center hole enlarged just enough to accept the desired small laser pointer. The four outside corner holes of the LaserHolder1 align with the four holes on the Sense3 module. Some all thread, nuts, washers and lock washers are used to stack two LaserHolder1 modules behind the Sense3 module to hold the laser pointer. Finally, the LaserHolder1 is used to electically connect the Sense3 through the ScanPanel module, which, in turn, is mounted on top of a small hobby servo.
The schematic is shown below:
The parts list is kept in a separate file.![]()
The printed circuit files are listed below:
Any fabrication issues will be listed here.