version "1.0"
identify "xyz"
#: This module implements the microcontroller assembler assembler types.
module types
define assembler #: Assembler
buffer string #: Listing buffer
byte_count unsigned #: Bytes for current instruction
debug_stream out_stream #: Debug stream
errors errors #: Error count
error_buffer string #: Error buffer
error_stream out_stream #: Error output stream
listing_stream out_stream #: Listing stream
memory_image memory_image #: Memory image
out_stream out_stream #: Output stream
pass unsigned #: Assembler pass (1 or 2)
program_counter unsigned #: Current program counter
standard_out out_stream #: Standard output
statement statement #: Current statement
generate allocate, erase, print
define assembler1[type1] #: Assembler error type
zilch unsigned #: Filler
generate allocate, erase, print
define assembler2[type1, type2] #: Assembler error type
zilch unsigned #: Filler
generate allocate, erase, print
define assembler3[type1, type2, type3] #: Assembler error type
zilch unsigned #: Filler
generate allocate, erase, print
#define bit #: Bit address
# record
# address expression #: Address of bit
# number unsigned #: Bit number (0-7)
# generate erase, new, print
define bit_address #: Bit address
data_address unsigned #: Data address
bit_number unsigned #: Bit number (0-7)
generate allocate, erase, print
define binary #: Binary opcode
expression1 expression #: First expression
expression2 expression #: Second expression
generate allocate, erase, print
define expression #: Opcode expression argument
variant type expression_type #: Expresion type
add binary #: Sum of two expressions
bit_address binary #: Bit address (aaa.b)
character character #: Character constant
code_address unsigned #: Code address
data_address unsigned #: Data address
decimal unsigned #: Unsigned decimal number
hexadecimal unsigned #: Unsigned hexadecimal number
octal unsigned #: Unsigned octal number
string string #: Quoted string
subtract binary #: Difference of two expressions
symbol symbol #: Symbolic value
generate address_get, allocate, erase, print
define expression_type #: Opcode expression type
add #: Sum of two expressions
bit_address #: Bit address (aaa.b)
character #: Character constant
code_address #: Code address
data_address #: Data address
decimal #: Unsigned decimal number
hexadecimal #: Unsigned hexadecimal number
octal #: Unsigned octal number
string #: Quoted string
subtract #: Difference of two expressions
symbol #: Symbolic value
generate print
define memory_image #: Memory image
bytes vector[unsigned] #: Bytes of memory
uninitialized unsigned #: Uninitialized value
generate allocate, erase, print
define reference #: Symbol reference
address unsigned #: Reference address
size unsigned #: Number of bytes of reference
offset unsigned #: Reference offset
generate allocate, erase, print
define statement #: One assembler statement
line_number unsigned #: Statement line number
opcode opcode #: Opcode (never ??)
comment string #: Trailing comment (or ??)
generate allocate, erase, print
define opcode #: Opcode (or pseudo opcode)
variant type opcode_type #: Opcode type
add expression #: Add ins.
add_carry expression #: Add with carry ins.
and binary #: And ins.
and_not expression #: Bit and complement ins.
blank bogus #: Blank line
byte expression #: One byte constant
call_absolute expression #: Call to an 11-bit ins.
call_long expression #: Call to a 16-bit ins.
clear expression #: Clear ins.
complement expression #: Complement ins.
decrement expression #: Decrement ins.
decimal_adjust bogus #: BCD decimal adjust ins.
divide bogus #: Divide ins.
end bogus #: End psuedo opcode
exchange expression #: Exchange ins.
exchange_nibble expression #: Exchange nibble ins.
comment string #: Full-line comment line
increment expression #: Increment ins.
jump_absolute expression #: Jump to an 11-bit address ins.
jump_bit binary #: Jump if bit set ins.
jump_bit_clear binary #: Jump if bit set; clear bit ins.
jump_carry expression #: Jump if carry set ins.
jump_compare_not_equal trinary #: Jump if comparison not equal ins.
jump_decrement_non_zero binary #: Jump if decrement is non-zero ins.
jump_indexed bogus #: Jump indexed via accumulator ins.
jump_long expression #: Jump to a 16-bit address ins.
jump_no_bit binary #: Jump if bit set ins.
jump_no_carry expression #: Jump if carry not set ins.
jump_non_zero expression #: Jump if accumulator non-zero ins.
jump_short expression #: Jump a short relative distance ins.
jump_zero expression #: Jump if accumulator zero ins.
label expression #: Code label
multiply bogus #: Mulitply ins.
move binary #: Move ins.
move_code_pointer bogus #: Move code using dptr ins.
move_code_pc bogus #: Move code using pc ins.
move_external binary #: Move data to external memory ins.
nop bogus #: No-operation ins.
or binary #: Or ins.
or_not expression #: Bit or complement ins.
origin expression #: Origin pseudo opcode
pop expression #: Pop expression from stack ins.
push expression #: Push byte onto stack ins.
xreturn bogus #: Return ins.
return_interrupt bogus #: Return from interrupt ins.
rotate_left bogus #: Rotate left ins.
rotate_left_carry bogus #: Rotate left through carry ins.
rotate_right bogus #: Rotate right ins.
rotate_right_carry bogus #: Rotate right through carry ins.
set_bit expression #: Set bit ins.
swap bogus #: Swap nibble ins.
subtract_borrow expression #: Subtract with borrow ins.
word expression #: One 2-byte constant
xor binary #: Xor ins.
generate allocate, erase, print
define program #: Program
debug_stream out_stream #: Debugging stream
statements vector[statement] #: Program statements
symbol_table symbol_table #: Symbol table to use
generate allocate, erase, print
define symbol #: Assembler symbol
defined logical #: {true
}=>symbol defined
line_number unsigned #: line number where symbol is defined
name string #: Symbol name
references vector[reference] #: Symbol references
value value #: Symbol value (and type)
generate allocate, erase, identical, print
define symbol_table #: Symbol table
symbol symbol #: Temporary symbol (for lookup)
symbols vector[symbol] #: List of all symbols
table set[symbol] #: Table
generate allocate, erase, print
define trinary #: Binary opcode
expression1 expression #: First expression
expression2 expression #: Second expression
expression3 expression #: Third expression
generate allocate, erase, print
define value #: Expression value
variant type value_type #: Value type
a bogus #: A (Accumulator)
c bogus #: C (Carry flag)
bit_address bit_address #: aaa.b (Bit address)
constant unsigned #: #k (Constant)
code_address unsigned #: aaa (Code address)
data_address unsigned #: aaa (Data address)
dptr bogus #: DPTR (Data pointer)
ri unsigned #: @Ri (Register Indirect)
rn unsigned #: Register (Register)
string string #: String
undefined bogus #: Undefined (i.e. error)
generate allocate, erase, identical, print
define value_type #: Expression value type
a #: A (Accumulator)
c #: C (Carry flag)
bit_address #: aaa.b (Bit address)
constant #: #k (Constant)
code_address #: aaa (Code address)
data_address #: aaa (Data address)
dptr #: DPTR (Data pointer)
ri #: @Ri (Register Indirect)
rn #: Register (Register)
string #: String
undefined #: Undefined (i.e. error)
generate print