This is the download and install documentation for HobECAD.

HobECAD Download and Install

Here are the steps for downloading and installing HobECAD:

  1. Make sure you have some version of Linux running on x86 (so called Intel architecture).
    	prompt$ uname -m
  2. Create a directory called hobecad and cd to it:
    	prompt$ cd somplace
    	prompt$ mkdir hobecad
  3. Download the HobECAD tar file from:
    and into the newly created hobecad directory.
  4. Unpack HobECAD:
    	prompt$ pwd
    	prompt$ gunzip -c hobecad.tar.gz | tar xvf -
    	All files listed as they come out here
  5. If you do not already have your own personal binary directory, please create one. For example,
    	prompt$ cd ~
    	prompt$ mkdir bin
    	prompt$ cd bin
    	prompt$ pwd
  6. Create a symbolic link to HobECAD from you personal binary directory:
    	prompt$ ln -s .../hobecad/linux-x86/hobecad
    The .../hobecad is the full path to the hobecad directory that you created. At the same time add a link to the gerber viewer script:
    	prompt$ ln -s .../hobecad/gerber.tcl gerber
  7. Make darn sure that both "." and "~/bin" are in your execution path. Do this in a permanent fasion:
    	prompt$ echo $PATH
    For most people this involves editing your .bashrc file and adding some lines that look like:
    If you use some other shell, you will have to figure it out on your own.
  8. Verify that both hobecad and gerber are in your path.
    	prompt$ which hobecad
    	prompt$ which gerber
    If they are not in your path, go back to the previous instructions, figure what is wrong, and fix it.
You have more or less installed the hobecad and gerber programs.

Copyright (c) 2002 by Wayne Gramlich All rights reserved.