This is the documentation for the HobECAD is an ECAD (Electronic Computer Aided Design) system for the electronics hobbiest.

HobECAD Documenation

Table of Contents


Both the schematic capture and printed circuit board layout are implemented by the same drawing program called HobECAD. The HobECAD program basically implements a grid on which you can draw special symbols, text, and either thick or thin lines that are constrained to be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.

For now, everything in is controled via the keyboard and mouse; there are no screen buttons or controls. (The eventual solution to this problem is to upgrade to a window toolkit that supplies buttons and controls.)

HobECAD Modes

There are two modes that hobecad can be operated in; the two modes are:

Schematic Capture Mode
Schematic capture mode is entered by specifying a suffix of .sc on the file name when it is created. In schematic capture mode, there are two layers that you can draw into; the two layers are:
Wire Layer (black):
The wire level uses lines to represent wires that interconnect electrical components. This layer is also used to label the pins of components.
Component (brown):
The component layer is used to represent the components of the circuit. Since some components are basically represented by a box with some text inside, drawing these lines in a different layer distinguishes them from wires.
When a schematic is printed out to a printer, all layers will be printed in a single color (black). The reason for keeping the component and wire layers separate is because the consistency checker needs a way to distinguish between lines the represent wires interconnecting components and lines that are used represent integrated circuits (e.g. flip-flops, counters, etc.)
Printed Circuit Board Layout Mode
PCB layout mode is entered by specifying a suffix of .pcb on the file name when starting HobECAD. In PCB layout mode, there are three layers that you can draw into; the three layers are:
Front (green):
This layer corresponds to the front (component side) copper layer on a printed circuit board. If you are laying out a single sided printed circuit board, the front layer is not used.
Back (red):
This layer corresponds to the back (solder side) copper layer on a printed circuit board.
Artwork (black):
This layer corresponds to the black artwork that is frequently applied to the component side of the printed circuit board to aid in component placement.
Other than the number and color of the layers, the HobECAD program behaves the same in both schematic capture and printed circuit board layer mode.

The reason for using a .05 inch grid, rather than the much more sensible metric system, is because .1 inch is the most common spacing between pins on a integrated circuit in a dual in-line package (DIP).

Command Line Options

The hobecad command line options are:

-c cell_size
The cell_size can be either 10 or 15 pixels square at the moment. 15 is the default cell size.
-d mono|gray|color
Force the display into monochrom, grey scale, or color mode. Do not use this option.
This causes HobECAD to write out any files in debug format. Debug format stores all symbols in absolute coordinates rather than relative coordinates. For someone who understnads the file format, it is possible to grep for symbols in the .sc and .pcb files.
-g gerber_base
This option causes the generation of several files:
This is a drill file in Excellon drill file format. The drill sizes are specified in gerber_base.tol .
This is the artwork of the printed circuit board in RS-274X file format.
This is the back side of the printed circuit board in RS-274X file format (i.e. Gerber file format with embedded aperture specification.)
This is the front side of the printed circuit board in RS-274X file format.
This is the mask layer of the printed circuit board in RS-274X file format.
This is the drill size specification file. There does not appear to be any standard format for this file.
-p print_file
This option causes the input file to output in Sun Raster file format (i.e. .ras format) to print_file. If print_file is `-', output is directed to standard output. The following additional options affect printing:
-l layer
Only output layer to print_file. The available names for layer are front, back, artwork, wires, and components.
Output a monochrome (black and white) image to print_file. This option is used to squish multi-color schematic into the more standard monochrome presentation.
Output an inverted (mirror) image of the image to print_file. This option is used to print the back side of a printed circuit board.
Note: When the -p option is specified, HobECAD does not bring up window. However, due to the way it is currently implemented, it needs make a connection to the X window before it can actually perform the output. {This should be considered a bug that needs to be fixed.}
-w wire_list_file
This option will cause a wire list to be written out to wire_list_file By convention, the suffix of the wire list file is .wl. In order for this option to work, you will probably need to specify three additional files:
This is a package file. Is specifies the pad locatations for each different compenent package. Most of the more common packages formats are already included in a file called hobecad.pkg (e.g. DIP14, DIP16, etc.)
This is the part file. It specifies the name of a component (e.g. 74LS00) and binds it to a package. In addition, it specifies the signal types of the leads.
This is the part list file. It specifies the name of a component (e.g. U1, R29) and binds it to a part.
The -w option requires either one .pcb file or a list of .sc files. The wire list output is just a list of connected component leads of the form component_name:lead_name. Everything is in sorted order so that the wire list of a .pcb file can be compared with the wire list of the corresponding schematic files. When the two wire list files are identical, the printed circuit board is a faithful reproduction of the schematics.

Mouse Operations

Either a 1, 2, or 3-button mouse can be used. The three mouse buttons are:

The left button is used move the insertion point, draw lines, and delete lines.
Move Insertion Point
The character insertion point represented by a small hallow square that is the color of the current layer. It is moved by placing the at the desired new location and clicking the left button.
Draw Lines
Lines are drawn by placing the cursor to the desired starting point pressing down on the left mouse button, moving the cursor to the desired end point (while keeping the left mouse button depressed) and releasing the left mouse button. Lines are constrained to be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal.
Erase Lines
Lines are erased the same way they are drawn. The cursor is positioned at one end of the line, the left mouse button is depressed, the cursor is moved to the other end of the line, and the left mouse botton is released.
The middle button is used to switch between layers. The cycle order is front layer, back Actually, line drawing is done in an exclusive OR mode. As you draw a line, it complements the state of the prevoius line.
The middle button is used to switch between layers. The cycle order is front layer, back layer, artwork layer and then it repeats. The current layer is indicated by the color of the insertion cursor.
The right button is used to toggle the thickness of lines. There are two line thicknesses -- thick and thin.
Left and Middle
By clicking on both the left and middle buttons at the same time you will either insert or delete a via. A via is hole through the printed circuit board that is is used to connect a trace from the back side to the front side. If there is no via present under the cursor when both the left and middle buttons are depressed, it will be inserted; otherwise, the via under the cursor will be deleted. In schematic capture mode, wire connection dots are drawn instead of printed circuit vias.
There are control keys that can be used to perform the operations of the right and middle mouse buttons, if you are using only a 1 or 2 button mouse.

Keyboard Operations

Whenever you type at the keyboard, printing characters are inserted into the current layer. If the cursor is in the middle of some characters, the new ones are inserted into the middle. Characters are never moved over a via.

The following non-printing characters are supported by hobecad:

The delete character will delete the character to the left of the cursor. Any characters at the cursor or to the right will be moved left one character. If the characters are bounded on he right a via, the cursor stays in it current position and any characters to its left are moved one position to the right.
The current schematic or printed circuit board layout is written out to disk and hobecad terminates execution.
Set the mark. The mark is used as one corner in a wipe operation (see Control-W).
All special symbols at the current cursor location are deleted. Whereas the Delete key deletes to the left, the control-D key deletes to the right.
Delete a character.
Control-L will change the current insertion layer. The cursor color changes to indicate what insertion layer is currently selected.
Toggle over-line mode for characters. In over-line mode, the characters drawn have a line drawn over them. Overlined characters are standarad notation for active low logic signals. {Currently, there is no cursor feedback concerning overline mode; this needs to be fixed.}
Put in component pads. The string over the characters has the form "[#][A-Z]+[0-9]+[<>^]?offset". The first digit specifies the hole width; this is usually a 1 or 2. The next characters specify the component name (e.g. R1, U23, C17). The characters ">", "^", and "<" specify the direction of the components. The pads pivit around the pivit pad in the package file (i.e. the pad marked with a "*" in the .pkg file.) Finally, the whole pad can be offset by an optional offset of the form ";X:Y" where X and Y are signed decimal numbers. For example ";+0:+.01" will move the whole pad up one hundredth of a inch in the Y direction from the grid location.
Print out information about the symbol underneath the curser.
Using the text underneath the cursor as a path to a .pcb or .sc file, read it into the clipboard. Use contorl-Y to "yank" it onto the screen.
Change the character spin mode to the right by 90 degrees. This should also change text entry direction, but it does not. There is no visible cursor feedback that characters are being entered in a rotated direction.
Control-T will toggle line thickness between thick and thin. A cursor will change from a thin box to a thick box to indicate the line thickness mode.
In printed circuit board layout mode, the control-V character is used to insert or delete vias. If there is a via at the cursor, control-V will delete it; otherwise, control-V will insert a via at the cursor. In schematic capture mode, control-V is used to insert and delete wire connection dots. If there there is a connection dot at the cursor, Control-V will delete it; otherwise, control-V will insert a connection dot at the cursor.
This will copy a rectangular region from the main window into a internal clipboard and delete the rectangular region from the main window. One corner of the rectangual region is specified by the mark (Control-@) and the other corner is specified by the current cursor position. Afterwards, the cursor is moved to the lower left corner of the wiped region so that the region can be copied back in using a yank command (Control-Y).
If the cursor is on top of a bunch of characters, the characters are treated as a special symbol which is inserted at the cursor. Special symbols can span multiple cells and are used to represent electrical symbols such as diodes, resistors, and transistors. An additional character can be tacked onto the end of the symbol name to change its orientation:
Symbol will point up.
Symbol will point right.
Symbol will point left.
Symbol will point down.
The glyphs are documented in the section below:
The clip-board is merged back into the main window at the cursor. This command can be performed multiple times. {Currently, the characters are copied (not merged) from the clip-board; this a bug that needs to be fixed.}
Additional control characters will be added as necessary.


The following glyphs can be used in schematics:

AND gate
Negative logic OR gate
Buffer gate
Buffer gate with controls on both sides
Buffer gate with negative control on left side
Buffer gate with negative control on right side
Buffer gate with control on left side
Buffer gate with control on right side
inverter with negative output gate
inverter with negative input gate
NAND gate
NOR gate
Not (inversion) circle
NPN transistor
NPN transistor mirrored
Operational Amplifier
OR gate
Plug (or pin) on connector
PNP transistor
PNP transistor mirrored
Voltage Rail
Zener Diode

Schematic Capture Mode

The basic idea behind schematic capture mode is that you draw your circuit as a set of one or more schematic capture files. These schematic capture files are `read' by HobECAD to extract a wire list. The wire list can be used as an aid to layout the printed circuit board and to verify that the printed circuit board layout is a faithful rendition of the schematics.

Do you have to have schematics for your printed circuit board? No, but it is surprising how many errors in your board you will catch if you take the time to draw the schematics. Furthermore, taking the time to draw the schematics will leave behind useful documentation for future reference.

The basic `trick' behind schematic capture mode is that you draw your schematic in two layers -- the wire layer and the annotation layer. Currently, the wire layer is black and the annotation layer is brown, but these color selections are likely to change in the future. By drawing your schematic in two layers, HobECAD can successfully distinguish wires from component boxes and generate a correct wire list. When the final schematic is produced, both layers are output in black to produce a traditional black-and-white electrical schematic.

The `rules' for drawing a schematic are listed below:

Connected Wires
Connected wires are drawn in the wire layer (currently black.) Joined wires are indicated by placing a connector dot at the junction of the two wires. Alternaively, if three wires all end at the same location, HobECAD assumes that they are connected together. Some examples are shown below:
Example Connected Wires
Crossing Wires
Wires that cross over one another are represented by just having straight lines cross over one another in the wire layer (currently black.) No connector dot is present. A couple of examples are shown below:
Example crossed wires
Labeled Wires
Unterminated horizontal or vertical wires that end in a label are called `labeled wires'. Labeled wires are how you connect wires between multiple schematic diagrams. All wires with the same label are connected together by HobECAD. By the way, the labels strings must be in the wire layer (i.e. black.) labeled wires including overbar labels are shown below:
Example Labeled Wired
Note that some of the labels in the examples above have a line drawn over them. These labels are called `overbar labels'. Overbar labels are quite common in digital circuits where they indicate an `active low' signal. Overbar labels ard drawn using the control-O `overbar toggle control'. Each time you type control-O, it will toggle label insertion between overbar mode or non-overbar mode. Currently, there is no feedback in the cursor block to indicate whether or not HobECAD is in overbar mode or not (this is bug!)
Labeled Components
It is also possible to insert a component directly into a schematic. If there is exactly one label `next' to the component, the label is taken as component name. The component lead names are assumed. Some examples are shown below:
Example Labeled Components
Labeled Component Leads
It is also possible to insert a component into a schematic and explicitly label each of the component leads. The rule is that HobECAD will find the label closest to each component lead and use that as the component lead name. The remaining label that is `next' to the component is used as the component name. Some examples are shown below:
Example Labeled Component Leads
Note that the operational amplifier has a couple of labels in the annotation layer (shown in brown). HobECAD completely ignores labels in the annotation layer. Thus the component leads for the operational amplifier are labeled `1', `2', and `6'; the annotation labels of `+' and `-' are completely ignored.
Component Boxes
With one exception, all lines and labels drawn in the annotation layer (i.e. brown layer) are ignored by HobECAD. The only exception is a component box. A component box is a rectangular box drawn in the annotation layer that encloses a single black label. The black label is component name and any black wires that terminate at the edge of the box must be labeled in black as component leads. Some example component boxes are shown below:
Example Component Boxes
Please note that anything in brown enclosed in the componet box is ignored by HobECAD. Further note that for `U3' that there is a brown `A' afterwards that is ignored by HobECAD. Finally, note that the wires for `U3' on the left have wires that are quite close to one another; HobECAD is smart enough to figure out which component lead names are attached to which components by figuring out whether a vertical sequence of labels is `on top' or `on bottom'.

File Formats

The file formats are:

.sc and .pcb Format

The schematic capture and printed circuit board formats are the same. They consist of the following records:

H major minor cell_width cell_height cells_wide cells_high schematic_capture relative_mode
This is the first record, where the f
This is the major version number and is currently version 1.
This is the minor version number and is currently version 3.
This is the cell width and currently must be either 10 or 15 pixels. Realistically, schematics must be in cell size 10.
This is the cell height and must match the cell width.
This is the number of cells wide the diagram is.
This is the number of cells high the diagram is.
This is 1 if the diagram is a schematic and 0 for a printed circuit board.
This is 1 if the the (x, y) values are relative format. This is 0 if the (x, y) values are absolute.
I layer x y chunk_label
This is a chunk record.
S layer x y string
This is a string record. The eight bit is turned on to represent over-bar characters. Any character that is not a printing ASCII character is represented as a decimal number enclosed in back slashes.
L layer x1 y1 x2 y2
This is the line record.
V x y [size [component_name]]
In schematic mode, only the x and y are present. In printed circuit board mode, the hole size must be present and the component name may be present.
This is the last (end) record.

Font Format

{Font format goes here}

.ptl Format

The part list file specifies the parts list for a printed circuit board and corresponding schematic files. The file format looks as follows:

    # Comment start with a sharp ('#') character.
    # Blank lines are ignored.
    component_name1: part_name1
    component_namen: part_namen
A component name consists of one or more letters (usually capital letters) followed by a decimal number. Some examples are `U1', `R23', and `LED5'. The package name comes from some package file (e.g. `74LS00', `2N2222', etc.) A range of component names can be specified by adding a dash (`-') followed by another decimal number, where the second decimal number is greater than the first one. Some examples are `R1-R39', 'C40-56',and `U12-14'. The following is not legal `R12-4' because the second decimal number (4) is less than the first one (12); the user probably meant `R12-14'.

.pkg Format

Package format specifies the pad locations for a particular kind of component package (e.g. TO-220, DIP16, etc.) The suffix of a package format file must be .pkg. The contents of a package file is as follows:

    # Comment start with a sharp ('#') character.
    # Blank lines are ignored.   The first non-comment
    # line is the header and must be exactly:
    H Packages 1 0

    P package_name
    L x1 y1 lead_name1 [*]
    L xn yn lead_namen


    P package_name
    L x1 y1 lead_name1 [*]
    L xn yn lead_namen

    # The last line must be and end rerord:
The P record provides the package name (e.g. `DIP16', `TO-220', etc.) The L records provide lead information about the package. The package is oriented so that it points `down'. For example, a standard DIP (Dual In-line Package) would be oriented `down' by have pin 1 at the lower right. In general, the lower left pin is positioned so that its (x, y) coordinate is at (0, 0). The (x, y) coordinates are specified as integer multiples of .05 inch. The lead names can be an arbitrary sequence of characters excluding an asterik (`*'). Examples of lead names are `E', `B', `C', `1', `14', `+', and `-'. Finally, one of the pins is marked with an asterik (`*'). This is called the pivot pin. As the package is reoriented with the less than (`<'), greater than (`>'), and carret (`^') characters, the package is rotated around this pin. After rotation, the package is always translated so that the lower left corner of the rectangle that encloses the pads that make up the package are is at the point specified by the control-P.

Below is a package description for an 8-pin DIP:

    P DIP8 # 8-pin Dual In-line Package
    L 0 6 5
    L 0 4 6
    L 0 2 7
    L 0 0 8
    L 6 0 1*
    L 6 2 2
    L 6 4 3
    L 6 6 4

Pin 5 is at (x, y) coordinate (0.0", 0.3"). PIn 8 is at (x, y) coordinate (0.0", 0.0"). Pin 1 is at (x, y) coordiante (0.3", 0.0") and is the pivot lead.

In the future, this format should be made graphical. It would be easier to describe and to use. Also, a minimum hole size should be specified.

.prt Format

Part file format is used to specify the particular component. The file format is as follows:

    # Comment start with a sharp ('#') character.
    # Blank lines are ignored.   The first non-comment
    # line is the header and must be exactly:
    H Parts 1 0

    P part_name package_name
    L physical_lead_name1 logical_lead_name1 signal_type1
    L physical_lead_namen logical_lead_namen signal_typen


    P part_name package_name
    L physical_lead_name1 logical_lead_name1 signal_type1
    L physical_lead_namen logical_lead_namen signal_typen

    # The last line must be and end rerord:
The P record specfies the part name (e.g. `74LS00', `2N2222', `1N4001', `NE555', etc.) followed by a package name (e.g. `DIP14', `TO-220', etc.). The part name comes from a package file. The L record specifies the physical package lead to logical lead name and signal type. The physical lead name comes from an L record in the appropaiate package file. The logical lead name comes from a databook (e.g. `CLK', `Q1', `Q*', `Emitter', `Collector', etc.) Finally, the signal type is one of the following:
This lead must be connected to ground. The schematic must show the connection visually.
This lead must be connected to ground. The schematic does not visually show the connection.
Nothing should be connected to the lead.
This lead has some kind of non-digial signal on it. An Other lead can be connected to any other lead without complain from the HobECAD checker.
This lead is one end of a pull down resistor. The other end is connected to Ground.
This lead is one end of a pull up resistor. The other end is connected to Vcc. This lead can safely be connected to a TTL Open Collector lead.
This lead is a TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) input lead. It can be connected to either a TTL_Out lead or a TTL_Open_Collector lead (and a corresponding Pull_Up lead.)
This is a TTL Open Collector output lead. It needs to be connected to a Pull_Up lead. It can safely be connected to a TTL_In lead.
This is a TTL Output lead. It can be connected to at TTL_In lead..
This is a TTL Tristate lead. It can be connected to a TTL_Tristate lead.
This is the common supply voltage. This connection must be explicitly shown in the schematic.
This is the common supply voltage. This connection is not to be shown in the schematic.
Other signal types will be added as needed.

As with the package format, this file should be converted to a graphical format.


With the growing proliferation of surface mount components, the fundamental design choice of putting all components on a .05 inch grid is becoming suspect. However, as of the late 1990's, HobECAD still meets my goal of being a schematic capture and layout program for electonics hobbiests. Professional electrical engineers should purchase and utilize full featured schematic capture and layout products.

Copyright (c) 1995, 1998, 2000 by Wayne Gramlich All rights reserved.