version "1.0"
identify "xyz"
#: Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1997, 2003 by Wayne C. Gramlich.
#, All rights reserved.
#, Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software
#, for any purpose is hereby granted without fee provided that the above
#, copyright notice and this permission are retained. The author makes
#, no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.
#, It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
module board
#: This module implements a printed circuit board abstraction.
define board #: The whole board
board_data board_data #: Board data
cell_cache_index unsigned #: Least recently used index
cell_cache_table table[cell, cell_cache] #: Images cached at X server
cell_caches vector[cell_cache] #: All cell cache objects
color_artwork xlib_color #: Artwork color
color_bartwork xlib_color #: Back artwork color
color_back xlib_color #: Back layer only color
color_both xlib_color #: Both front and back layer color
color_front xlib_color #: Front layer only color
color_none xlib_color #: Background color
cursor_thickness line_thickness #: Current thickness for cursor
cursor_layer layer #: Current layor for cursor
cursor_x unsigned #: Current x location for cursor
cursor_y unsigned #: Current y location for cursor
debug_stream out_stream #: Debugging output stream
direction direction #: Direction of current line
drawable xlib_drawable #: Board drawable
gc xlib_gc #: GC for "font stuff"
glyph_table glyph_table #: The available glyphs to render
height unsigned #: Current window height in pixels
image xlib_image #: Local image to draw into
image_cache xlib_drawable #: Image cache on X server
is_set logical #: {true
} has been set
length unsigned #: Length of current line
pixel_artwork xlib_pixel #: Artwork pixel
pixel_bartwork xlib_pixel #: Back Artwork pixel
pixel_back xlib_pixel #: Back layer only pixel
pixel_both xlib_pixel #: Both front and back layer pixel
pixel_front xlib_pixel #: Front layer only pixel
pixel_none xlib_pixel #: Background pixel
timer_cache_search timer
timer_image_render timer
timer_image_send timer
timer_image_draw timer
width unsigned #: Current window width in pixels
window xlib_window #: Window to render into
generate allocate, erase, print
define display_type
generate print
define cell_cache
active logical #: {true
} cell is in use
key cell #: Cell used for key
number unsigned #: Number of cached image
usage unsigned #: Cached image usage count
generate allocate, erase, identical, print
#: {board
} routines:
procedure create@board
board_data board_data
display_type display_type
glyph_table glyph_table
screen xlib_screen
debug_stream out_stream
timer timer
returns board
#: This procedure will create and return a printed ciruit board object.
#, The board will be rendered into newly allocated window on {screen
#: Allocate some colors:
#: Allocate a graphics context:
#: Allocate the local image:
procedure cells_render_changed@board
board board
#: This procedure will cause all of the cells that have changed on
#, {board
} to be rerendered.
procedure cells_unempty_changed@board
board board
x1 unsigned
y1 unsigned
x2 unsigned
y2 unsigned
#: This procedure will mark each unempty cell in {board
} from ({x1
}, {y1
#, to ({x2
}, {y2
}) as changed.
procedure cell_render@board
board board
x unsigned
y unsigned
#: This procedure will redraw the cell at ({x
}, {y
}) in {board
procedure cursor_layer@board
board board
layer layer
#: This procedure will set the cursor layer of {board
} to {layer
procedure cursor_position@board
board board
x unsigned
y unsigned
#: This procedure will set the cursor postition of {board
} to ({x
}, {y
procedure cursor_refresh@board
board board
#: This procedure will ensure that the cursor is properly displayed.
procedure cursor_thickness@board
board board
thickness line_thickness
#: This procedure will set the cursor thickness of {board
} to {thickness
procedure render@board
board board
chunk chunk
layer layer
#: This procedure will render {chunk
} on {layer
} for {board
procedure chunk_overlay@board
board board
chunk chunk
color_only xlib_pixel
#: This procedure will overlay the {chunk
} into {board
} using
#, {color_only
}. Any pixels in {board
} that are already set
#, are set to {board
procedure direction_length_compute@board
board board
x1 unsigned
y1 unsigned
x2 unsigned
y2 unsigned
#: This procedure will determine the closest line connecting cells
}, {y1
}) and ({x2
}, {y2
}) and the associated length and
#, store them into the {direction
} and {length
} fields of {board
#, direction as a multiple return. Unfortunately, there is a bug
#, in the C version of the STIPPLE compiler the prevents the return
#, of an enumeration type. Hence, the return values are stuffed
#, into fields inside of the {board
} data structure. Not pretty,
#, but it gets the job done.
# Return
procedure raster_write@board
board board
print_file string
layer string
monochrome logical
inverted_image logical
out_stream out_stream
timer timer
#: This procedure will write {board_data
} to {print_file
#, in Sun raster file format. If {print_file
} is "-", the
#, output is directed to {out_stream
}. If {layer
} is non-empty,
#, only that layer is output. If {monochome
} is {true
}, all
#, colors are output as black and the background as white;
#, otherwise, a color output is generated. If {inverted_image
#, is {true
}, an inverted image is output; this includes
#, inverting character strings so that they are still readable.
procedure big_endian_word_put@unsigned
word unsigned
out_stream out_stream
#: This routine will output {word
} to {out_stream
} in big
#, endian (most-significant byte first).
procedure distance_compute
x1 unsigned
y1 unsigned
x2 unsigned
y2 unsigned
returns unsigned
#: This procedure will return a distance metric for the distance between
#, {({x1
}, {y1
})} and {({x2
}, {y2
procedure color_select@display_type
display_type display_type
color_map xlib_color_map
color_color_name string
gray_scale_color_name string
monochrome_color_name string
returns xlib_color