This is revision A of the EMDP1 GAL20 plug and it is currently a work in progress.
The EMDP1 GAL20 plug is used to program the 16V8 and 18V10 20-pin GAL's.
The schematic for this revision is shown below:
The following printed circuit board files exist:
The table below shows were each of the BD signals winds up:
Pin16V8 18V10 EMDP1
Pin1 1 VIL VIL BD14 2 2 EDIT EDIT VAR2 3 3 RA1 RA3 BD15 4 4 RA2 RA4 BD2 5 5 RA3 RA5 BD4 6 6 RA4 SCLK BD6 7 7 RA5 SDIN BD8 8 8 SCLK STB- BD10 9 9 SDIN SDOUT BD12 10 10 GND GND GND 31 11 STB- VIL BD11 32 12 SDOUT VIL BD9 33 13 VIL VIL BD7 34 14 VIL VIL BD5 35 15 VIL VIL BD3 36 16 VIL RA2 BD1 37 17 VIL RA1 BD0 38 18 RA0 RA0 BD13 39 19 P/V- P/V- BD16 40 20 VCC VCC VAR1
Any fabrication issues will be listed here.