Space Activists Annotation Set

The Space Activists is an organization the espouses the exploration, colonization, and exploitation of the solar system. To contribute annotations to the Space Activists annotation set, you must be member in good standing (i.e. you are a member that has paid your yearly dues.) Anybody may add the Space Activists annotation set to their user set.
Document Index
This lists the annotations by target document URL.
Annotation Author Index
This lists the annotations by annotation author.
Chronological Index
This lists the annotations by the time at which they were entered into the annotation set.
Submission Form
The submission form for submitting annotations to the Space Activists Annotation Set.
Annotation Types
The Space Activists have decided to try and catagorize their annotations using the following annotation types:
The annotation author agrees with the target document author.
The annotation author disagrees with the target document author.
The annotation author wishes to make note of an error -- factural, gramatical, or typographical.
The annotation author wishes to make a humerous comment.
The annotation author wishes to raise a related issue.
The annotation author can not characterize the annotation very well.

Copyright (c) -- 1998 by Wayne Gramlich. All rights reserverd.